Saint Francis Service Dogs Summer 2018
The Prison Pup Program is transformational on many levels:
The Prison Pup Program has made a trans- formational impact on the inmates for over
16 years. The men have proven to be successful trainers, consistently producing excellent results with the dogs in their care. It is a top priority to maintain the high standards of the program so that we can train and place more service dogs
their emotions and learn to be a caregiver.
The program has increased morale throughout the prison as a whole and is credited with the reduction of disciplinary actions across the prison population.
without sacrificing the quality of our program. Caring for the puppies reduces the men’s stress level, sense of isolation, and fear, while they gain a sense of belonging and accomplishment. Training young puppies occupies their minds and keeps them focused on a positive goal. Raising a puppy for a person with a disability gives meaning and purpose to the lives of the inmates. The experience of nurturing young puppies helps them get in touch with
The program helps the puppy raisers build useful skills that translate to life after incarceration, and for some, this is the foundation of their career plan upon release. The program aids in the rehabilitation of the men by strengthening their interpersonal relationship skills, bolstering their self-esteem, and teaching them how to be a part of a team.
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