Concern: CON.1 Needs Clarification
Fill‐in attributes for the CONCERN: Number: CON.1 Description: The requirement states that the system shall accept information requests from certified users. What are the request media that the system must be able to accommodate? Importance: Critical Assumptions: None Alternatives: 1.) Hardcopy Forms; 2.) Verbal, 3.) Phone‐verbal, 4.)Phone‐electronic file, 5.) Web‐based electronic file.
Trade Study is a Document which Supports the Decision
Create a Document element named “Media of Requests Trade Study” which documents our Concern: CON.1 “Media of Requests” Description: An examination of the multiple media forms and formats needed to support a variety of customers making request for imagery products. Document Date: June 23, 1977 Type: Trade Study Title: Trade Study Final Report on Acceptable Media of Requests
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