
the jain family

On Friday January 26th, 2024, RAM House announced the upcoming move to our new building, The Jain Care Center . This building is lovingly donated by Mr. Prabhat and Mrs. Vandana Jain. Mr. Jain is the CEO of Virginia Transformer Corporation which employs 800 people locally and 4000 worldwide. “Having made our home in Roanoke for the past forty-seven years, we are so happy to give back to the community and support the mission of the Roanoke Area Ministries”, Mrs. Vandana Jain. Thank you to, Prabhat and Vandana Jain along with their daughters, Meenoo, Neerja and Bharat.

executive director’s corner Roanoke Area Ministries is a miraculous organization. It is YOU, the reader, who has created these miracles through your love and support of RAM House. If someone had told me when I started this leadership role that we would have bought a building and raised $1,966,602 with $225,000 in pending grants and many newly identified donor prospects, I would not have believed it. This Capital Campaign Edition will tell the story of our journey. You will read about all the love that has been given to RAM House by the Jain Family (Virginia Transformer) through their Arhant Foundation. And we will also highlight other gifts to the Campaign. We have also bought a new building to renovate thanks to the Roanoke communities ability to bond together and help us find a site despite “not in my backyard issues”. Moving forward, we will continue to meet the basic needs of those we serve but also look for new programming that will stabilize the most vulnerable of our citizens. Our hope is to get people off the streets and into overnight shelter. And we hope to help people eventually have their own home through our Roanoke Times Good Neighbors Fund and other designated donations for rents, utilities, medicine and transportation. Miracles need to keep happening. We cannot rest on our laurels. We still have a long journey and we need to move out of our current location by the end of next Fall. That is going to take a huge community effort. Also please continue to give to our regular programming. With inflation across the nation, our donations have dipped a little from last year so we hope you will help us maintain our current programming by donating as your household can afford to do so. Finally, I’d like to send my profound gratitude to all of you who supported me in the 4.5 years that I have been here. Nothing would have been possible without the encouragement of so many of you. We hope you enjoy this newsletter. There is so much good news to share!


Want to donate to our Capital Campaign? • email executivedirector@raminc.org • go to raminc.org • or scan the QR Code to your right

Roanoke jewish federation

We are grateful for the Roanoke Jewish Federation and their $20,000 donation to the Capital Campaign. Thank you for making the Roanoke community a better place, and for caring for the needs of the hurting in the streets of the Roanoke Valley.

SCAN QR CODE TO WATCH Pictured: Scott Winters, Melissa Woodson, Dennis Weiserbs, Larry Davidson, Steven Strauss

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