ABOUT RAM HOUSE In 2023, Roanoke Area Ministries served 1618 homeless clients. Over 65,700 meals were served (both breakfast and lunch) to clients and food-insecure community members. A total of $302,393 was spent in direct assistance to prevent 1622 individuals, including 590 children, from becoming homeless. We were able to stabilize and house 182 homeless individuals - 67 of which were children. VISION To provide hope by preventing and alleviating homelessness and hunger in the Blue Ridge Region. MISSION Roanoke Area Ministries (RAM) is an interfaith non-profit that advocates for those facing or are threatened by homelessness and hunger. Founded in 1971, our doors are open for those needing care coordination, day shelter services, meals, and emergency financial assistance. HISTORY On January 5, 1971, a group of denominational executives in the Roanoke Valley adopted a proposal that would establish an ecumenical urban ministry. A task force – which would later become Roanoke Area Ministries – assembled for the first time on March 2, 1971, which was composed of representatives from various faiths. In October, RAM began delivering surplus food to the elderly and disabled.
RAM House needs to expand its services to address the needs of our clients and help the city combat homelessness which is increasing daily. We need to have mental health care providers on-site to provide comprehensive case management and stabilize individuals for housing. In addition, we have plans to have mobile medical access, substance-alcohol abuse peer groups, day labor programs, computer access, showers and increased office space. We have already purchased a building that will be renovated to better serve our clients. Architectural planning, investigative studies, renovation and adding a new kitchen will cost $3,578,544. Your support is crucial in ensuring that RAM House can continue to provide essential services and support to those who need it most. Together, we can make a lasting impact and create a better future for all. expanded services
The Future RAM House Mobile Medical Clinic Mobile Mental Health Access Substance/Alcohol Abuse Help
Employment Programs Computer Lab Access Showers Increased Office Space
the van valkenburg family
capital campaign honor roll LEGACY • Arhant Foundation PLATINUM • George J. & Effie L. Seay Foundation • City of Roanoke • Anonymous Donor #1 (name withheld) GOLD • Roanoke Jewish Federation • St. John’s Episcopal • Marietta M. & S.T. Morgan, Jr Trust • Raymond & Dorothy VanValkenburg Estate • Joseph P. Fostex III Estate • Ann Cecil Renick Fund of Community Foundation Serving Western Virginia • Anonymous Donor #1 (name withheld) • Anonymous Donor #2 (name withheld) SILVER • Ann Martyn • Al Knighton • Anonymous Donor #1 (name withheld) Bronze • Jain Foundation • Community Foundation Serving SW VA • Anonymous Donor #1 (name withheld) • Anonymous Donor #2 (name withheld) RAMFAM SUPERSTAR • Buzz4Good • Lawrence T. & Catherine K. Oliver • David Williamson • Larry & Janice Davidson • Gail & Michael Quinn
We are extremely humbled by this generous Legacy Gift by the Van Valkenburg Family in honor of their parents, Raymond and Dorothy. Please read the following excerpt from a heartfelt letter from Sherry, Donna, and Robin. “Our parents were longtime faithful members of First United Methodist Church in Salem. We were raised going to church there every Sunday. Both Dorothy and Raymond had a strong Christian faith and a love for helping others. They served in many capacities at First Methodist over the years. They enjoyed serving the Lord, doing so with their many dear friends there. They also served at RAM which was a ministry they were both very passionate about. They volunteered at RAM for several years in retirement. We were told dad tried to pay the needy with his own money while he was working there! We weren’t surprised. We were surprised though on the day dad brought home the homeless man who showed up at church one Sunday. This stranger went home with us for Sunday lunch. We are certain that dad did more to help him after that day as well. This was the kind of heart our dear parents had.” RAM House would be pleased if you would also consider a legacy gift. Please contact our Executive Director (executivedirector@raminc.org) for more information.
roanoke city grant
• Melissa & Michael Woodson • The Hamed-Moore Family • The Bridge Builders • Woods Rogers Vandeventer Black • Neely’s Accounting • Anderson and Associates RAMFAM LOVE OFFERINGS • Donna Lee Hoffman • Janice Phillips • Judy & Arthur Moles • Bob & Wendy Bye • Indian Heritage Society • Shiloh Baptist Church • GE Stock • Bonnie and Richard Evans • Anthony West Family
Roanoke City Mayor, Sherman Lea, recently visited 410 Elm to present us with a grant from the city for a generous $150,000 for our #1Stop2Home Capital Campaign. We are honored to have the support of our city. We thank them for joining us in the mission to be advocates for those facing homelessness and hunger. We are all in this fight together and are proud to have them on our side in our efforts to alleviate homelessness.
the jain family
On Friday January 26th, 2024, RAM House announced the upcoming move to our new building, The Jain Care Center . This building is lovingly donated by Mr. Prabhat and Mrs. Vandana Jain. Mr. Jain is the CEO of Virginia Transformer Corporation which employs 800 people locally and 4000 worldwide. “Having made our home in Roanoke for the past forty-seven years, we are so happy to give back to the community and support the mission of the Roanoke Area Ministries”, Mrs. Vandana Jain. Thank you to, Prabhat and Vandana Jain along with their daughters, Meenoo, Neerja and Bharat.
executive director’s corner Roanoke Area Ministries is a miraculous organization. It is YOU, the reader, who has created these miracles through your love and support of RAM House. If someone had told me when I started this leadership role that we would have bought a building and raised $1,966,602 with $225,000 in pending grants and many newly identified donor prospects, I would not have believed it. This Capital Campaign Edition will tell the story of our journey. You will read about all the love that has been given to RAM House by the Jain Family (Virginia Transformer) through their Arhant Foundation. And we will also highlight other gifts to the Campaign. We have also bought a new building to renovate thanks to the Roanoke communities ability to bond together and help us find a site despite “not in my backyard issues”. Moving forward, we will continue to meet the basic needs of those we serve but also look for new programming that will stabilize the most vulnerable of our citizens. Our hope is to get people off the streets and into overnight shelter. And we hope to help people eventually have their own home through our Roanoke Times Good Neighbors Fund and other designated donations for rents, utilities, medicine and transportation. Miracles need to keep happening. We cannot rest on our laurels. We still have a long journey and we need to move out of our current location by the end of next Fall. That is going to take a huge community effort. Also please continue to give to our regular programming. With inflation across the nation, our donations have dipped a little from last year so we hope you will help us maintain our current programming by donating as your household can afford to do so. Finally, I’d like to send my profound gratitude to all of you who supported me in the 4.5 years that I have been here. Nothing would have been possible without the encouragement of so many of you. We hope you enjoy this newsletter. There is so much good news to share!
Want to donate to our Capital Campaign? • email executivedirector@raminc.org • go to raminc.org • or scan the QR Code to your right
Roanoke jewish federation
We are grateful for the Roanoke Jewish Federation and their $20,000 donation to the Capital Campaign. Thank you for making the Roanoke community a better place, and for caring for the needs of the hurting in the streets of the Roanoke Valley.
SCAN QR CODE TO WATCH Pictured: Scott Winters, Melissa Woodson, Dennis Weiserbs, Larry Davidson, Steven Strauss
save the date! RAM Fam Celebration:
RAM House 824 Campbell Ave S.W. Roanoke, VA 24016 (540) 345-8850 | www.raminc.org
RAM House Red Carpet Event With Documentary - I WAS ONCE LIKE YOU: THE RAM HOUSE STORY - Cash Bar and hors d’oeuvres. Where: Grandin Theatre | 1310 Grandin Rd SW, Roanoke, VA. When: Wednesday, November 13th, 2024 6:00 Social | 7 PM Documentary Begins. Why: To Raise Awareness and explain the problem of homelessness and RAM’s plans to make things better. How to Order: Tickets are FREE and avail. Oct. 1st but must pre-register RSVP Online. Link will soon be active on our homepage at (raminc.org). Although tickets are free, love donations are appreciated and much needed!
Want to donate to our Capital Campaign? • email executivedirector@raminc.org • go to raminc.org • or scan the QR Code to your right the capital campaign committee
• Anderson & Associates • Neely’s • Woods Rogers and Vandeventer Black documentary sponsors
Pictured: Valerie Brown
Valerie Brown: Williamson Road Area Business Association/Chair Tracey Palame: Pinnacle Financial Services Octavia Johnson: Retired Roanoke City Sheriff’s Office Greg Lionberger: Lionberger Construction Rev Thomas Harper: Central Baptist Church Al Knighton: Woods Rogers Vandeventer Black
• Shiloh Baptist Church • Anthony West Family • Bonnie and Richard Evans • COX
RAM House | 824 Campbell Ave SW Roanoke, VA 24016 | (540) 345-8850 | www.raminc.org
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