Bill Hackworth in the Hackworth Shade Garden at the Lemon House The A. Victor Thomas Environmental Stewardship Award, given annually by the Blue Ridge Land Conservancy, recognizes those who have made significant contributions to the preservation of the natural heritage of western Virginia. This year our Vic Thomas Award goes toWilliam “Bill” Hackworth. Bill is a long time supporter of Blue Ridge Land Conservancy serving on the board and as a volunteer in many aspects, most recently keeping our Hackworth shade garden in tip top shape with his wife Ann. In Bill’s own words: “Ann and I have traveled extensively since we retired, and have visited some beautiful places in the world, but we are always glad to return to our own beautiful Roanoke Valley. I am proud of the work that the Conservancy has done to preserve the open spaces and viewsheds that we enjoy so much, and the expansion of its efforts into a larger part of the Commonwealth. When I was Roanoke’s City Attorney, I was fortunate to be in a position to facilitate placing of conservation easements on most of the City’s property at Carvins Cove and onMill Mountain - ensuring that those areas will be there for generations to come. One benefit of being involved with our Conservancy is the opportunity to meet and work with a lot of great people who share the same goals - prospective easement donors, conserved property owners while we are on monitoring visits, staff and board members, and all of the supporters who attend the annual Conservation Celebration. It is a wonderful community of like-minded people. I can’t imagine what our region would look like without them! I always have to smile when traveling around our countryside when I see a sign posted on a property announcing that it has been protected by a conservation easement with the Blue Ridge land Conservancy. Let’s hope that we see more and more of these!” Thank you, Bill, for your dedication to land conservation and the Blue Ridge Land Conservancy!
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