
The MRABA (Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement) will be signed by all women who finish the recruitment process. It is effective for one calendar year and, in short, states that you are willing to accept a bid from any chapter you rank. If you are offered a bid and do not accept, you are no longer eligible for Continuous Open Bidding (COB) and can not join another organization for one calendar year. The potential new member will sign this immediately following her last event. Be sure to review this carefully and direct any questions to your Rho Gamma. You will be given more information about this document after preference round. Copy of the Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement Below is a copy for your review: I have participated in the membership recruitment period at Virginia Tech. By signing this acceptance agreement, I understand and agree to the following terms. Please read and initial each of the following. I may limit my choices to just one OR list any women's sorority (fraternity) whose preference-round (last) event I attended, and from which I am willing to accept membership. I realize that by not listing the maximum number of events I attended, I may be limiting my potential to join any other NPC group during formal recruitment should I not be placed with my choice(s). Once I submit this agreement to the College Panhellenic Association, I cannot change the order of my preferences or add or delete a preference. If I do not receive an invitation to membership from a group that I have listed, I am eligible for continuous open bidding. I have the option of not submitting an agreement at this time. Once I submit this agreement, I am bound by the National Panhellenic Conference one-calendar year rule. This rule states that if I receive an invitation to membership from a group that I have listed and then do not accept it, I am not eligible to be pledged to any other NPC member sorority (fraternity) on this campus for one calendar year ( 12 month period) from the time of this signing. By signing this form you ore agreeing to accept a bid from any of the women's sororities you list below and, if offered, you are bound to that bid for one calendar year. I agree to the terms stated above, and I om willing to accept an invitation to membership from any of the following women's sororities (fraternities) whose preference event I attended (listed in order of preference). I am willing to accept an invitation to membership from any women's sorority (fraternity) that I list on this agreement.


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