
Values Bracket Values are the lens through which you look at the world. They dictate how you look at yourself and others around you. They help shape the experience you want to create. They are also used to make decisions. The decisions we make are a reflection of our values. Making values based on decisions is necessary for individualism and self-actualization. Your values are not political, religious, or ethical viewpoints of opinions. However, values DO help us decide what we think about those things. At this point, you have completed the Values Bracket activity. You may have taken this after you registered for recruitment inside CampusDirector or more recently inside your CampusDirector account. You should have received an email with your top 4 (four) values, as well as a Values Category chart. If you did not receive this email, please let your facilitator know. You will need your four values and your championship value later on in the workbook.


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