
Experience VT

As you are preparing for Panhellenic recruitment, we invite you to utilize the tools and resources provided by Experience VT to help you design your overall experience at Virginia Tech. These tools are designed to help you create a customized plan for your academic and personal growth so you're successful not just here at Virginia Tech, but beyond your graduation! As you think about who you are and the type of experience you're looking for at Virginia Tech, we encourage you to think about how joining a Panhellenic organization might contribute to that. This success begins with understanding and knowing yourself from a Strengths perspective. Many of the women in our chapters have already completed this and it can be a great conversation starter! If you haven't already completed your free Clifton Strengths Assessment, we encourage you to do that now, using the QR code!

Understanding your goals will be very helpful for you throughout your time at Virginia Tech and during Panhellenic recruitment - and research tells us that this will also help boost your confidence and well-being! One way to track your progress toward your goals is through your ExperienceVT map, which we encourage you to complete. As you are completing your ExperienceVT Map, we encourage you to add "Join a Fraternity or Sorority" to your experiences by searching for it in the search bar and clicking on "Add to My Map". Throughout your membership and your time as a student at Virginia Tech, you can continue adding clubs, organizations, and leadership experiences to your map as you go!


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