2025 Ruritan National Convention Program
Rule 10. Reports: All reports and other material for the permanent record shall be in writing, (preferably electronic copy) and, immediately upon presentation, shall be sent to the Secretary. Rule 11. Announcements: Notices for announcements to the convention shall be in writing, signed by the person (or proper representative of the persons) under whose authority the announcement is issued and shall be sent to the Secre tary. Rule 12. Solicitations: There will be no solicitations at the National Convention except for; the sale of music or memorabilia by convention speakers and entertainment vendors, by exhibitors inside an approved exhibit booth, or those previously approved by the National Board of Direc tors. Members will not be assessed for any purpose. Rule 13. Campaigning: Campaigning by future candi dates for Ruritan National Offices (i.e., handing out litera ture/ brochures) will not occur until after election results are announced. Rule 14. Parliamentary Authority: The rules contained within Ruritan National Bylaws and these standing rules shall govern this convention in all cases. In the absence of guidance in the Ruritan National Bylaws and these standing rules the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order will ap ply. NOTE: The standing rules of the convention are adopted by the delegates at the first business meeting.
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