2025 Ruritan National Convention Program
Ballot Items
Ballot Item One Approved Board Motion 24-07-04
The Ruritan National Bylaws ARTICLE I Name/ Emblem/Politics, Section 3. Reads as follows: “This organization and its members shall be non sectarian and non-partisan and shall take no action endorsing or condemning any candidate or measure which is to be submitted to the vote of the people.” The Board approved striking the current wording and inserting new wording as follows: “This organization shall be non-sectarian and non-partisan.” Reason for the motion: Ruritan National cannot dictate that members be non-sectarian and non partisan. The proposed language provides a clear statement that does not override the rights of individual members while protecting the non-profit status of the organization and clubs. It promotes consistency and prevents conflicts arising from ambiguity. Will take effect immediately upon approval by a 2/3 vote of the delegates at the national convention.
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