2024 SWVHEC Annual Report

Message from the Director

At the Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center, we had another great fiscal year for 2023-2024. We made investments into new furniture, a refreshed patio space, updated landscaping and technology improvements. We established new programs with our partners and expanded existing ones, particularly in the medical and allied health program areas. We have added new staff at the Center and our partners have filled critical roles to help make great things happen. In this report, you will find a snapshot of what we have accomplished as a team over the past year. We are proud of the work we do in the region to bring people together to advance all economic and workforce opportunities in the region. We also strive to provide an affordable, well maintained and professional facility to host trainings, conferences and networking events. Our operations are efficient and effective to deliver quality programming in a beautiful space with experienced staff. We hope you find that we provide our partners and guests with exceptional experiences and customer service by being capable, enthusiastic and engaged. We strive to anticipate change regarding the educational and workforce gaps of the region by encouraging new ideas and approaches to the way we do business. We create strong relationships and effective collaboration with local, state and federal partners to achieve strategic outcomes. We value supporting students with a safe and stimulating environment to learn, achieve their potential and further their career pursuits. Lastly, we devote resources and hard work to create a facility that serves the Southwest Virginia community.

We are a great place, doing great things because of great people!

David Matlock, Executive Director/ Agency Head

2023-24 Annual Report


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