2024 Ruritan National Convention Program
National Director
Jeff Roadcap (VA) 11647 Turleytown Road Broadway, VA 22815
Phone: (540) 896 -1164 (Home) Email: JDRoadcap@gmail.com
CLUB: Linville-Edom Club President 2009-10. Club Vice President 2022-23. Club Treasurer 2007, 2015 – 2019. Club Director 2013, 2014 and 2021. Chaired Citizenship and Patriotism Committee.
DISTRICT: Rockingham District Governor 2015 and 2023. Rockingham District Lt. Governor 2014, 2021, and 2022. Rockingham District Youth Coordinator 2010, 2011, 2012, 2016, and 2017. Zone Governor 2013. Coordinated and executed numerous District sponsored (Scripps) Regional Spelling Bees, several with Ruritan National Presidents in attendance. NATIONAL: Have attended eight National Conventions, served as an ambassador at several, and have attended four National Leadership Conferences. EDUCATION: Graduated from Turner Ashby High School in Dayton, VA. Completed BS Degree in Computer Networking from Strayer University. Completed Associates Degrees from Community College of the Air Force in Avionics Systems Technology and in Space Operations Technology. OCCUPATION: Currently working at James Madison University in Classroom Technology (18-years). During my 20-year Air Force career I received Meritorious Service Medals, Commendation Medals, and many other accolades. OTHER: My wife, Cherie, and I have been married for 24 years and we have no children. A huge joy for my wife and I is caring for my mother, Mary, who has lived with us for the past 6 years. Have served as American Legion Commander and currently as Finance Officer & Adjutant. Volunteered for many roles with American Red Cross including serving on the Board of Directors for Chapters in Fairbanks Alaska and Harrisonburg Virginia, where I also served as Board Chairman. The last few years I have served as an Election Officer. Hobbies include golf, gardening, and evidently mowing since I spend a lot of time doing it.
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