2024 Program_Proof


last chance for the public to see anymore baseball until the coming year as the ball players are hanging up their gloves and spikes for the winter. Calfee Honors Are Suggested Pulaski Southwest Times: Wednesday, October 2, 1935 A movement to have the new mountain park and athletic field named for Ernest Calfee, Pulaski’s mayor, is gaining ground, The Times learned today. Several of the civic clubs, it was learned, have already drafted reso lutions to that effect and they will be taken up and passed on at early meetings. Mayor Calfee has been very active in seeing that Pulaski obtained an athletic field which will be a credit to the community and it was mainly through his efforts that mountain land was obtained for both a home and national park, it was pointed out. One prominent club woman stated this morning: In view of the un ceasing efforts of our mayor, E.W. Calfee, in procuring for the citi zens of Pulaski the mountain park project it would seem only fitting that the splendid boundry should bear his name. I would suggest “the Ernest Calfee park” as a name, this name to apply especially to the new athletic field--- the latter to be known as “Calfee athletic field.” Calfee Park Pulaski Southwest Times: Friday, October 11, 1935 Mayor E.W. Calfee, after whom Pulaski’s new $25,000 athletic field is named, will not be present tonight to see the dedication of his dream project. The mayor, untiring in his efforts to obtain the park, left yesterday on a trip north, planning to attend the marriage of a close relative. He left, however, with the knowledge that the park project had been completed and the show would be a success. For months Ernest Calfee has worked unceasingly in the interest of the project. He was the first to see the possibilities of the field and to visualize the value of such an improvement to Pulaski. Many times he worked against great odds to obtain funds and mate rial with which to carry on. His interest, however, and his vision gave Pulaski something it hasn’t had for years, an athletic field of which it may be proud. Today’s horse show would not have been possible without the park…

the park would never have been built without co-operation and hard work. Calfee park is being dedicated to the future use of the community, to be used for baseball, football, horse shows, concerts, entertainment of every form- to develop youth to build for clean competition. Pulaski is proud of its park… It is happy to have so many visitors… Mayor Calfee, Pulaski business men, sportsmen, all those who con tributed to the effort making the field possible, should feel justifiable pride. Calfee Trying To Book Teams Pulaski Southwest Times: Friday, October 11, 1935 A strong effort is being made to bring two major league baseball teams to Pulaski for an exhibition contest next spring, it was learned today. Mayor E.W. Calfee has been in communication with officials of the Cleveland club and hopes to soon know definitely whether the Indi ans can be persuaded to come here on their trip north from Florida. In such a case it is likely that the Indians will play the New York Giants as the two clubs are teamed for exhibition games next year. Both teams are popular in this section and it is believed an exhibition would draw a crowd of several thousand people to Pulaski. Pulaski has never had a major league contest due to a lack of fa cilities. With the completion of Calfee park the town now has one of the largest and best athletic fields in the South. Major league clubs inspect the parks before deciding on any exhibition game. They also learn the probable size of the crowd and take in consid eration other features which would figure in the financial success of the game. Giants-Indians Bow To Jupiter Pluvius By Score, 9-0; Terry Disappoints Fans Steady Downpour Cancels Major League Game At Pulaski’s New Park By COUNT PULASKI | Pulaski Southwest Times: Thursday, April 9, 1936 Jupiter Pluvius, the gent who has ruined plenty of baseball games and Sunday school picnics, today took a 9-0 decision over both the New York Giants and Cleveland Indians without pulling a punch.





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