31 THE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF THE NEW RIVER VALLEY ENDOWED FIELD OF INTEREST FUNDS Jim & Sue McAlister Family Fund Supports charitable organizations providing affordable healthcare in the New River Valley as well as those addressing hunger such as, but not limited to, food pantries, area food banks, and feeding programs. Established in memory of Jim’s mother, Peggy McAlister of Wytheville, as well as Sue’s mother, Mattie Hall of Dublin. Joe & Margot Thompson Unrestricted Endowment Supports general charitable purposes addressing the current and evolving needs of the New River Valley, with a preference for programs that provide for the housing, food access, healthcare, education, clothing, reentry of ex-offenders, and other basic human needs of vulnerable or less fortunate populations. Loving Care Fund Supports children and families and provides support to the Community Foundation’s operations. Luba Fabrycky Memorial Endowment Fund (Wolter Fabrycky) Supports general charitable purposes including, but not limited to, programs and activities for the education of children with emphasis on children of disadvantaged families. Mary Jean & John L. Brown Endowment Supports programs and organizations serving the New River Valley and working in the fields of health and food assistance. Matthew Allen Special Memorial Fund (Katherine Allen) Supports programs benefitting the social, emotional, and mental health and well-being of individuals, families, and communities through grants to qualified, charitable organizations in the New River Valley. Preference shall be given to those programs or organizations that pursue and/or promote social justice through diverse and inclusive action. Longtime supporters John Crosby, Mary Stuart Crosby, and Ben Crawford in 2003.

Photo from the CFNRV archives.

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