2022 Ruritan Annual Report
Approved March 25, 2022 - Page 3 Committee Chair Millard announced the nominations for National Secretary is James Mills (GA). The Chair opened the floor for additional nominations for National Secretary. Hearing none, the Chair declared the nominations for National Secretary closed. Committee Chair Millard announced the nomination for National Treasurer is David Thompson (VA). The Chair opened the floor for additional nomination for National Treasurer. Hearing none, the Chair declared the nominations for National Treasurer closed. Committee Chair Millard announced the nominations for National President-Elect are M. Edward Hicks, Jr. (VA) and Michael W. Morrison (VA) . The Chair opened the floor for additional nominations for National President-Elect. Hearing none, the Chair declared the nominations for National President-Elect closed. Candidates nominated for each office were allowed speak to the delegates for up to two minutes each. Committee Chair Millard: Mr. President, I would like to place the names of these candidates in nomination. The Chair restated the motion and asked the delegates if there was any discussion. Hearing none, The Chair asked all those in favor to say “Aye.” All opposed say “NO.” The Chair declared the motion adopted. The Chair reminded delegates that certification is open today until 12:00 p.m. Anyone not pre certified must be certified by 12:00 p.m. to be able to vote. The polls will be open from 1:30 p.m. until 3:30 p.m., for those not attending the Fellowship Luncheon. Please allow those with disabilities to advance to the front of the line at the polls. Those attending the fellowship luncheon will be given additional voting details at the end of the luncheon. They will vote in the same ballroom as the luncheon. The Chair called upon 2020-2021 Foundation Trustee Treasurer Phillip Bradshaw, who gave an oral report. His notes are included as an attachment to these minutes. The Chair called upon Dennis Bagnell, Chair of the Bylaws Committee for a report on, and to answer delegates questions about, the bylaws issues on the ballot. There were no delegates who rose to speak on any of the ballot issues. The Chair called upon President-Elect Glen Broadwater to announce the next two presentations.
Ruritan National 2022 Annual Report
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