2022 Ruritan Annual Report
Approved March 25, 2022 - Page 1
MINUTES OF THE 90th ANNUAL CONVENTION RURITAN NATIONAL January 7, 2022 Friday Business Meeting
START TIME: 9:15 a.m. PRESIDING: 2020-2021 National President Linward Hedgspeth Convention Program Co-Chair, Past National Director, Stan Turner, welcomed the attendees to Myrtle Beach, SC. National Director Donna Poulton led the attendees in the song “America” accompanied by Alton Free on piano. National Director, Patsy Shelton gave the invocation. Co-Chair Stan introduced National President Linward Hedgspeth as he walked to the podium. The Chair advised the delegates their programs state the next item of business is the adoption of the Convention Program. However, the body needs to adopt the Credentials Committee report before adopting the report of the Program Committee. The Chair called upon Sandra Lowe, Chair of the Registration and Credentials Committee, to give a report. Committee Chair Sandra reported as of Friday, January 7, 2022, at 9:00 a.m., there were: Pre-Registered 445 Walk-ins 17 Cancellations 64 Total Registered 398 Certified Delegates 316 Chair Sandra: On behalf of the Credentials Committee, I move for the adoption of this Preliminary report. The Chair restated the motion and asked the delegates if there was any discussion. Hearing none, The Chair asked all those in favor to say “Aye.” All opposed say “NO.” The Chair declared the motion adopted. The Chair called upon Convention Program Co-Chair Stan who presented President Linward with a copy of the Program. He reported that a printed copy of the Program is in the hands of each registrant for the convention. The following changes are made to the printed program. On page 31, the Credentials Committee First Report should come before the Program Committee report in the printed materials. The printed Program also contains the Standing Rules of the Convention. When voting to adopt the printed program they will also be voting to adopt the standing rules.
Ruritan National 2022 Annual Report
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