2022 Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce Directory
L eadership New River Valley enhanc es participants’ leadership skills and encourages the application of what is learned each month in their work. This program goes one step further and provides the class with the opportunity to give back to the community through a Leadership Legacy project. In 2021, Sleep in Heavenly Peace - New River Valley has now built 450 beds. TheLegacyProjectworkswitha local non-prof it to build capacity for their respective vision and mission. The class members learn about themselves, apply principles of change man agement, and expedite applying learned prin ciples in a controlled environment provided by the local non-profit. The Chamber uses the Phillips Model of ROI to calculate the benefit to the non-profit and the community.
Leadership NRV has worked to support non-profits such as Montgomery County Emergency Assistance Program (aka MCEAP), Habitat for Humanity, Vittles for Vets, and many more. This work creates opportunities for building relationships and building a better community for all residents.
“Even though I’ve worked and lived in the New River Valley all of my life, Leadership opened my eyes to many businesses and opportunities I had no idea existed within our community. It also challenged me to think beyond my comfort level, to experience and learn new thing and new ways of thinking. The networkng and friendships I made during Leadership will carry on for years to come.” Lieutenant Mark Hollandsworth , VSIC Support Services Division Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office
“Leadership has been my favorite program since joining the MCCC. The knowledge that I gained allowed me to feel more like a leader in our area. It gives the rare opportunity to learn what makes our community function. Lead ership really taught me what a gem our county is. Professionally, I was able to make connections and meet so many new faces. I even booked a few appoint ments from it, so my investment really paid off!”
“Leadership NRV was truly a game changer in my career! The leadership, communication, and relationship building skills I developed through this program have been irreplaceable. “
James Cabler Carter Bank & Trust
Kristina Rose Kristina Rose Photography, Owner
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