2022 Impact Report


W hen I started as a Youth Development Staff at Boys & Girls Club more than 11 years ago, I did not expect to become as passionate as I have about this place and its people. What began as a part-time job has turned into a career I love, a mission that inspires me, and work that challenges me daily. It did not take long to see the immense impact each team member has on the youth in our community and the unique service provided through the Clubs’ whole-youth development approach. It is fulfilling to see the development of a Club member from the first time they join us to when they graduate well-prepared to reach their dreams because they know their potential. lasting impact

It warms my heart to receive messages from parents who observe the value of our partnership with their family. One Club parent recently wrote,

“I just need to thank you! My son is part of the Boys & Girls Club at Eastern Montgomery Elementary and he recently started tutoring through the Club. His grade went from a U to a B. I am so thankful for the support you have provided and grateful for your staff.” The world is a tough place for our young people and has changed drastically even in the 25 years we have served Southwest Virginia. Hardships faced by today’s youth are compounded for those who do not have the same experiences and opportunities as their well-resourced peers. Youth.gov reports that young people who are surrounded by a variety of opportunities for positive encounters engage in less risky behavior and ultimately show evidence of higher rates of successful transition into adulthood. I believe wholeheartedly that we, with the financial contributions and partnerships of many, are serving a critical need in our community and I am incredibly proud of our 25-year history. 2022 was centered around reflecting on the years of service provided, generous people involved, and the number of young lives transformed through our program. If you haven’t had a chance to watch our short film, Impressions: 25 Years of Inspiring Local Youth , I encourage you to do so. We celebrated well! My hope for the next 25 years is that every child and family member who walks through the door of our Clubs feels the warmth, feels the support, and knows that the Club is here for them. Through dedicated community support, we will bring together more people with different beliefs, experiences, and backgrounds and watch our beautiful story continue to unfold.

With gratitude for helping us advance our mission,

Rebekah Meadows, Chief Executive Officer Boys & Girls Clubs of SWVA


Citation: Effectiveness of Positive Youth Development Programs | Youth.gov

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