2022 Impact Report

2 5 TH A N N I V E R S A R Y E D I T I O N


Produced April 2023

Lasting Impression [ˈlæs.tɪŋ ɪmˈpreʃ.ən]

A feeling or effect that continues for a long time.


our mission To enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.



W hen I started as a Youth Development Staff at Boys & Girls Club more than 11 years ago, I did not expect to become as passionate as I have about this place and its people. What began as a part-time job has turned into a career I love, a mission that inspires me, and work that challenges me daily. It did not take long to see the immense impact each team member has on the youth in our community and the unique service provided through the Clubs’ whole-youth development approach. It is fulfilling to see the development of a Club member from the first time they join us to when they graduate well-prepared to reach their dreams because they know their potential. lasting impact

It warms my heart to receive messages from parents who observe the value of our partnership with their family. One Club parent recently wrote,

“I just need to thank you! My son is part of the Boys & Girls Club at Eastern Montgomery Elementary and he recently started tutoring through the Club. His grade went from a U to a B. I am so thankful for the support you have provided and grateful for your staff.” The world is a tough place for our young people and has changed drastically even in the 25 years we have served Southwest Virginia. Hardships faced by today’s youth are compounded for those who do not have the same experiences and opportunities as their well-resourced peers. Youth.gov reports that young people who are surrounded by a variety of opportunities for positive encounters engage in less risky behavior and ultimately show evidence of higher rates of successful transition into adulthood. I believe wholeheartedly that we, with the financial contributions and partnerships of many, are serving a critical need in our community and I am incredibly proud of our 25-year history. 2022 was centered around reflecting on the years of service provided, generous people involved, and the number of young lives transformed through our program. If you haven’t had a chance to watch our short film, Impressions: 25 Years of Inspiring Local Youth , I encourage you to do so. We celebrated well! My hope for the next 25 years is that every child and family member who walks through the door of our Clubs feels the warmth, feels the support, and knows that the Club is here for them. Through dedicated community support, we will bring together more people with different beliefs, experiences, and backgrounds and watch our beautiful story continue to unfold.

With gratitude for helping us advance our mission,

Rebekah Meadows, Chief Executive Officer Boys & Girls Clubs of SWVA


Citation: Effectiveness of Positive Youth Development Programs | Youth.gov

We recognize our 2022 Board of Directors for their strategic leadership and significant contributions.

BOARD CHAIR Scott Jenkins Farm Bureau Bank VICE CHAIR Matt Hill Scott Insurance

TREASURER Chris Banta Brown, Edwards & Company, LLP SECRETARY A. Damon Williams First Citizens Bank

Jim Barker Delta Dental of Virginia

Adam Peters FocusOne

Bertram Daniels UScellular

Melinda Pyle New River Electrical

Walt Derey Pitman Construction

Liz Quintana Roanoke Parks and Recreation

Archie Freeman, III Roanoke City Public Schools

Jonathan Richardson Pinnacle Financial Partners

Donald Halliwill Carilion Clinic

Frank Rogan Consultant

Robbie Hebert Lab Sports Performance

Frank Toney Inner-Faith Fellowship Ministries

Troy Jamison JCI

Julie Beth Vipperman * Indiana University Foundation

Carie Kingery Freedom First

Margaret-Hunter Wade Cox Communications

Leah Kinder Branch Group

Carl York Acuity Marketing and Consulting

Jeff Merritt * Cox Communications

Jean Mumm Gentry Locke

* Final year of board service in 2022.


Dear Friends of the Club,

2022 was a big year for Boys & Girls Clubs of Southwest Virginia. I am overwhelmed with gratitude when I reflect on the many people who have passionately and generously supported the mission of this critical organization for the past 25 years. In my fifteenth year of board service and year one of my second term as Board Chair, I continue to be impressed by the work of the dedicated staff who work daily to enable local young people to gain experiences and realize their full potential, regardless of their circumstance or background. Having personally grown up in Southeast Roanoke, it is meaningful to see how our program is coming alongside local families to support our next generation of great leaders and decision-makers.

One of my favorite memories from last year was attending our 25th birthday celebration at our Vinton Baptist Church Club. We gave anniversary t-shirts to the kids, brought cupcakes, and helped serve donor-provided pizza. We shared with Club members the significance of the milestone anniversary to help them understand that they are part of something bigger than themselves – that they have a support system full of encouragers who care about them and their futures. We asked what they thought they would be doing at 25 years old. Responses included a singer, a vet, a professional football player, and my favorite, “I want to be working at Boys & Girls Club!” We have a rich history of service in Southwest Virginia and a quarter-century of impactful moments created. I’m hopeful for the lasting impressions still to be made as we look ahead. When you support Boys & Girls Clubs of Southwest Virginia, you are making a difference and impacting young lives in a transformational way. Thank you to all who engaged in our mission during our celebratory year.

Cheers to 25 years!

Scott Jenkins 2022 Chair, Board of Directors Western Virginia Market Executive, Farm Bureau Bank


Happy th

Thank you to these mission-driven leaders who have served as Chair of our Board of Directors throughout our 25-year history.

1998 - 2001 2002 - 2003 2004 - 2006 2007 - 2008 2009 - 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 - 2017 2018 2019 2020 - 2021 2022

John Dyer Daniel Layman, Jr. Mike Wise Mike Pedelty Curtis Mills Michael Waldvogel Carl York

Walt Derey Jim Barker Katherine Knopf Kim (Henderson) Thomas Scott Jenkins Jeff Merritt Damon Williams Scott Jenkins

1997–2022 Marking a quarter-century of service to families in Southwest Virginia

It started with a VISION to provide a world-class success is within reach of every young person




2008 2009 2017 –

BGCSWVA is founded

Current 9th Street property is acquired

Northwest Endowment is

Teen Center Expansion Capital Campaign

Regional expansion through 21st Century funds (Roanoke Co., Montgomery Co., Franklin Co., Martinsville)

formed $250K


OUR FOOTPRINT in Southwest Virginia

“There was an absolute need in Southwest Virginia. When we started, we had a very passionate board. The first seminal event was securing the building on 9th Street. The second seminal event was Mike Wise starting the Delta Dental Pro-Am for Kids. That really brought the name of the organization to the valley.” —John Dyer , Founding Board President 1998-2001 “We have a story, so many stories, of kids who you actually see the impact today as adults and what they are able to accomplish because of Boys & Girls Club having been in their life at an early age.” —Michelle Davis , CEO 2017-2022 “You lead for the success of students, not for the comfort of adults. I question: What are we doing to make sure our students are successful? What can we do to better our kids when we have them for that short

MONTGOMERY COUNTY: Eastern Montgomery Elementary School Shawsville Middle School Christiansburg Middle School Eastern Montgomery High School


Roanoke City: 9th Street


Burlington Elementary School Vinton Baptist Church (serving Herman L. Horn & W.E. Cundiff Elementary Schools) SALEM CITY: Andrew Lewis Middle School Salem Elementary @ Andrew Lewis Middle School ( serving East Salem and G.W. Carver Elementary Schools)

FRANKLIN COUNTY: Rocky Mount Elementary School Lee M. Waid Elementary School 11 CLUBS IN 5 MUNICIPALITIES:

period of time? I hear personally from the students how Boys & Girls Club has positively impacted their lives.” —Archie Freeman III , Board Member & Chief Academic Officer, Roanoke City Public Schools “One of the most important things a child can have in their life is a community that loves them. One of the things that Boys & Girls Clubs of Southwest Virginia does so well is providing mentors, people who can walk alongside, encourage, teach,



and support our youth to be the best people that they can be.” —Joe Cobb , Vice Mayor, City of Roanoke

Club Experience that assures who enters our doors...






Roanoke Women’s Foundation invests $75K in BGCSWVA’s mission

TEENACTION Youth Employment Program Pilot

Service shifts to virtual learning centers and full-day care due to the COVID-19 pandemic Jim Barker Scholarship Fund is established

Roanoke County and Salem Clubs open

25th Anniversary

Sustaining new Clubs

First Jim Barker Scholarship is awarded



CLUB EXPERIENCE The Club Experience is one in which members feel safe both physically and emotionally, have fun, receive support and recognition from caring adults who set expectations for them, and feel a sense of belonging.

“I've always wondered what was in here [Taubman Museum of Art]. When I saw all of the art pieces, it made me wonder if I could make something like that myself one day. They [Boys & Girls Club staff] inspire us to do the unthinkable.” — Kayden , Club Member

“What I enjoy most about teaching here is seeing the impact and influence you can have on kids. Everybody needs someone who cares. Each day, I consider what I can do to make at least one student think

she saw me, she helped me, or she gave me positive advice. ”

— Tanicia , Club Staff Member and Alumna

“It has felt like we are a team. We are a team seeking to work together to provide a safe learning environment in our community.”

— Travis Russell , Senior Pastor, Vinton Baptist Church

and Club Partner


THE POWER OF MOMENTS EXPERIENCE 2.0 25 th Anniversary Celebrat ion


191 Attendees

300 Film Stars

20 Interviews


Edited Minutes

9 2 Film Dates Film Showings (capturing numerous hours of footage!)

WWW.BGCSWVA.ORG | 9 COUNTLESS Lasting Impressions Special thanks to our creative partner Will Sellari and the team at Firefli. 1 Iconic Movie Theatre



Minority races or ethnicities 52%

of Club teens graduated on time 100 %

921 of volunteer service completed by elementary Club members H O U R S

I n 2022, we were selected as a nonprofit partner of Buzz4Good. Michael Hemphill and his team profiled Boys & Girls Clubs of Southwest Virginia in a TV episode to create buzz about our mission that aired on Blue Ridge PBS. Through this process, Carrie Cousins met our need for a new website by creating a web presence that informs and engages our community and showcases what happens behind the Club doors each day. This was made possible by our episode sponsor Ideagen.


58% Live in single parent households

1,549 of volunteer service completed by teen Club members H O U R S


qualify for free or reduced-price school lunch

77% 12 or younger

1,188 Total Youth Served

23% Teens

“As kids start aging out of the daycare at 12 years old, a lot of these kids are going home alone. They don't have the structure needed at that age. Boys & Girls Club fills that void.” — Carie Kingery , Board Member and Club Parent

“We want our students to excel. Boys & Girls Club has done a tremendous job helping us close achievement gaps since the COVID-19 pandemic challenges. The social and emotional pieces are important as well. We prioritize building relationships. I know the Club staff also make that one of their top priorities.” — Brandon Keith , Shawsville Middle School Principal

“Everything happens for a reason. You have to live with the fact that [things in life] happen and there is nothing you can do to change it. If I didn't have the Club, I'd probably be falling behind in school. The mentors and staff are always there to help you out.” — Reagan , Club Member

“We do a lot of arts and crafts with the kids. We run a STEM program. We have a partnership with Virginia Tech's Robotics Club. It has been great to watch the kids take interest in that type of thing.” — Brad Wooten , Eastern Montgomery Elementary Club Unit Director


3 Planned Gifts

GENEROSITY by the numbers

67 In-Kind Donations



Civic Group/ Organization

75 Impact Society Donors



Donors who give comprehensive support annually at the $1,000+ level are recognized as Impact Society members.



23 Monthly Donors $



Blue Door Donor Circle members spread their

generosity throughout the year through monthly giving, meeting the needs of our Club members today…and well into the future.








GIVE Roanoke raised $12,105

Delta Dental Pro Am raised $158,781

Four on the 4th raised $53,930

The Power of Moments Experience raised $156,401

523 Gifts purchased and delivered to every Club member at holiday parties, thanks to those who generously supported this effort. Special thanks to the following partners: BGCSWVA Board Member Robbie Hebert / LAB Sports Performance Farm Credit of the Virginias Fisher Financial Services, Inc. Mountain View Real Estate, LLC Roanoke Valley Association of REALTORS® Virginia Tech – Student-Athlete Advisory Committee Volunteer Wrapping Teams






PARTNERSHIP and Program Highlights C rop Culture is a program for teens and tweens at our 9th Street Club in Roanoke City and we had a successful 2022 program year. Crop Culture provides a hands-on learning experience that teaches youth about agriculture and the environment. The program focuses on gardening, harvesting, food prep, business, and environmental education. Each March through September, Club members grow their own fruits and vegetables in the Club garden, which they can then harvest and use in cooking classes. Youth learn the importance of healthy eating and sustainability, as well as the science behind plant growth and development. The kids then sell their produce at the market. Environmental education is a key component of Crop Culture. Youth in the program discuss and explore composting, recycling, and conservation. This program teaches children about the impact that human activities have on the environment and how they can make a difference in their communities.

In October, Crop Culture members presented at the Harvest Festival at Morningside Urban Farm. They handed out free Crop Culture pins and flower and veggie seeds while practicing their communication and PR skills by taking turns at the table with their advisors. LEAP (Local Environmental Agricultural Project) and HCAT (Healthy Community Action Teams) partnered with us by providing financial support, kitchen space, and programmatic support, as well as the market space for Crop Culture members to sell their goods. This provides members with additional collaboration opportunities and professional guidance. Crop Culture members also worked with I <3 SE , a local non-profit that endeavors to beautify Southeast Roanoke, on a mural in the garden at our 9th Street Club. Kids of all ages can enjoy the new and improved space and Crop Culture members see it as a reminder of their hard work over the course of the season. Crop Culture is a fun and engaging program. By providing children with hands-on experience in gardening, farming, and environmental education, the Club is helping them develop important skills and knowledge that will benefit them throughout their lives. Through these programs, children are learning about the importance of agriculture and the environment, as well as the value of hard work and dedication.


Summer Camp BY THE NUMB3R5 490 Registered Youth $741,581 Summer Camp Organizational Expenses

154 Field Trips

150 Summer Staff

WHEN SCHOOL IS OUT, C lub IS IN! In 2022, 490 youth attended Club at one of our 11 Summer Camp locations. Open 10 hours 4-5 days a week for 7-8 weeks (depending on site), the Club provides a safe and productive place for local

Here is a sampling of the field trips our Club members took during the summer of 2022:

30,000 Breakfast and lunches served Nearly

14,000 Snacks More than

Fallon Park Pool Skate Center of Roanoke Valley AMF Hilltop Lanes Salem Red Sox Game Roanoke Starcade

young people to spend their summertime days. Club kids engage in reading challenges, physical activities, community service projects, cooking, special partner visits, educational and recreational field trips, and much more! Most Club families pay no fee for their children and teens to attend. Club also provides breakfast, lunch, and morning and afternoon snacks for our growing kids. Summer Camp is a critical component of our year-round

Roanoke River Greenway Taubman Museum of Art Richmond Zoo Amazement Square in Lynchburg Dixie Caverns

419 Youth who participated in academic tutoring

420 Participants in summer swimming program 50% 9th Street families who received a summer camp scholarship

Virginia Safari Park Apple Ridge Farm SeaQuest Lynchburg

youth development program that is made possible thanks to generous local support.

"I love Boys & Girls Club Camp because everyone is super friendly and comes up with wonderful

activities that really brighten our days!" — Dylan , Summer Camp Club Member


FINANCIALS * *Unaudited figures for fiscal year ended December 31, 2022

Fundraising $254,959

FY22 EXPENSES $2,972,652

Program Services $2,256,987

Administrative $460,706

Restricted Grant Revenue $1,762,064

Employee Retention Tax Credit $452,895

Unrestricted Grant Revenue $322,605


Membership Fees/Program Dues $45,385


Community Support $664,394


TWO JIM BARKER SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDED TO DESERVING RECIPIENTS F ounded in 2020, Mike and Danielle Wise established the Jim Barker Scholarship Fund to provide Boys & Girls Club youth with hope and a plan for their future after high school. Available to any young person who has been a Club member for at least two years, award winners may use scholarship funds for 2-4 year college, technical, or trade school expenses. In 2022, Lawrence Moore and Hunter Muddiman received a total of $13,800 to assist with their post-high school pursuits.

LAWRENCE MOORE attended Boys & Girls Club from kindergarten through 12th grade and graduated from Salem High School. He served on BGCSWVA’s junior staff and held the title of the Club’s 2021 and 2022 Youth of the Year. Lawrence matriculated to James Madison University to study biochemistry. HUNTER MUDDIMAN graduated from William Byrd High School and matriculated to Savannah College of Art and Design. He credits his experience at Boys & Girls Clubs of SWVA for fostering his love of art at a young age. Thank you to all of our donors who have contributed to the Jim Barker Scholarship Fund. Learn more at www.bgcswva.org/scholarship .


Mike Wise, who passed away in December 2022, was a fierce advocate for our mission and cared deeply about creating great futures for the youth we serve. He was passionate about creating opportunities for Club members, which led to the creation of the Jim Barker Scholarship Fund with his wife, Danielle. His legacy will live on through this generous endowed gift. To call Mike a philanthropist would be an understatement. His unwavering passion for giving back to the community, which was instilled by his parents, has been made more than evident by the numerous local and nonprofit boards on which he proudly served, including Board Chair for Boys & Girls Clubs of Southwest Virginia between 2004 and 2006. During that time, he was an active volunteer fundraiser for BGCSWVA. Mike chaired our 2008 capital campaign, which secured over $400,000 to create our 9th Street Teen Center. Mike was also a founder of the Delta Dental Pro-Am for Kids. We truly miss Mike and appreciate all he did for our Clubs. We continue our good work in his honor.


The lists below recognize cumulative contributions between January 1 and December 31, 2022. A COMMITMENT to Community Philanthropy

We recognize the below donors for their gifts of $50,000 or more Community Foundation for a Greater Richmond Delta Dental of Virginia Delta Dental of Virginia Foundation Virginia Alliance of Boys & Girls Clubs Inc. City of Roanoke We recognize the below donors for their gifts of $25,000–$49,999 Anonymous (1) Cox Communications FocusOne Integrated Financial Planning Lionberger Construction Co. The Leon Levine Foundation Community Foundation Serving Western VA We recognize the below donors for their gifts of $15,000–$24,999 Anonymous (1) Danielle and Mike Wise*#^ Freedom First Federal Credit Union Lanto Griffin*# Safehouse Signs Sam and Marion Golden Helping Hand Foundation

We recognize the below donors for their gifts of $10,000–$14,999 Anonymous (2) American National Bank & Trust Becky and David Wallenborn* Helen C. Cobbs Foundation Joy and Spencer Frantz* Kim and Jim Barker*# Lisa and Leonard Wheeler* P1 Technologies Sharon and Dan Layman, Jr.*# The Branch Group Town of Christiansburg Vicki and Sam Lionberger, III*# We recognize the below donors for their gifts of $5,000–$9,999 Atlantic Bay Mortgage Group Boys & Girls Clubs of America Carmeuse Lime & Stone City of Roanoke Conner and Matt Hill* Cox Charities Dianne Woody* Erin Ashwell and Michael Finney*^ Farm Bureau Bank Heidi and Adam Peters* Ideagen Irene and Thomas Brock, Jr.*# Joyce and Jerry Moorman*# Justine and David Jones*# Lula Belle and Jim Wood* Melinda and Chris Pyle*# Mountain City Realty and Auction, LLC Phyllis Albritton* Pinnacle Financial Partners Roanoke Valley Orthodontics Scott Insurance / Scott Cares

We recognize the below donors for their gifts of $1,000–$2,499 Alex and Billy Siple* Alison and Nathan Walker* Amanda and Nick Marko*# Amazon Web Services Amy and Mac Michals* Archie Freeman, III* Armida Valles and Paul Klute* Armitage Advisors, LLC Barron Schmitt* Bertram Daniels*^ Bethany and Jason Murphy* Better Sofas, Inc. Brian Krainer*# Britney and James Huffman* Carilion Clinic Cindy and Chris Appel*^ Davidsons Clothing for Men Dominion Risk Advisors Ellen and Rudolph VanThiel* Energy Vision, LLC Firefli First Citizens Bank First Piedmont Corp. Frank Lucia* Hayley Poland* HealthEdge Software Innovative Insurance Group James Hatch*# James Pearman, Jr.*# Jana and Pat Rakes*# John Dyer*#^ John T. Morgan Roofing & Sheet Metal Co Judy and Charles Sledd*^ Kathy and Steve Claytor*# Kimberly and Chris Banta*^ Kime Patsel* Kristi and Joe Crawford* Lauren and Chris Maxwell* Lawrence Transportation Systems Louise Underwood* Loyal Order of Moose, Inc. Margaret-Hunter and Clark Wade* Mary and C.J. Caldwell*#

Taco Bell Foundation The Louise R. Lester Foundation Town of Vinton Tracy and Howard Shumate*

We recognize the below donors for their gifts of $2,500–$4,999 Aaron Periodontics & Dental Implants Andre and Scott Jenkins*^# Anthem Healthkeepers Plus BGCA Captrust Financial Advisors Child Health Investment Partnership Colonial Downs Group David Notari*# Dental Associates of Salem Family Service of Roanoke Valley Gentry Locke Attorneys Giving Back Society Heather and Jonathan Richardson*#^ HomeTrust Bank Jan and Laurence McCarthy*# Julie and Jan Sessor*# Karen and Chip Thomas*# Karen and Rob Cassell, Jr.*# Karli and Will Griffeth* LEAP INC. Michael Waldvogel* New River Electrical Corp.# Rhonda and James Hill* Rindy and Sam Lionberger, Jr.* The Community Foundation of NRV The Whitaker Fund Thomas Byrd*# United Way of Roanoke Valley VSP Global Warren Groseclose*^ Wendy and Jeff Merritt*^ Woods Rogers Vandeventer Black


NOTE: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this list. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Emily Pinkerton at epinkerton@bgcswva.org.


Mel Wheeler, Inc. Member One Federal Credit Union Michael Duffy*# Michael Wray* Missy and Paul Phillips, II* Newbern Properties, LLC# Patti and Paul Henkel* Project Forward Inc Sarah Copenhaver and Franklin Flippin Sheryl and Ed McNally, Jr.* Spencer Lowry* Starr Hill Pilot Brewery & Side Stage Tammy and Don Halliwill* Tessa Rider* The Newbern Foundation Trish and Pat Shaffner*# US Cellular Wells Fargo Bank N.A. (Roanoke) A Few Old Goats Brewing Abby and Brian Hostetler Alice McKnight# Alicia and Brad Dunleavy Bailey Jenkins^ Bank of America Private Bank Barry Phelps# Bitsy and Richard Davis Bobbi and Dyke Davies Brown, Edwards & Company, LLP Carie and Timothy Kingery^ Center in the Square David Cohan Debby Martin# Diana Austin Diane Hoke and Frederick Thomas Ed Hall^ Elizabeth and Richard Macher# Family Dollar Cause Campaign Gavin Aaron# Helen and Carl McCurdy Ironman Foundation Jennifer and Troy Jamison Julie Beth Vipperman^ Kasper Mortgage Capital Tax Credit Finance Kim Thomas Laura and Geoff McCarty Lisa Nichols# Michael Brennan Roanoke Gas Co. SPM Corporation Stacey and Russell Danstrom Susan Lucas and Frank DiNunzio# Turnoutz, LLC United Way of the New River Valley Maria and John Garland Martha and Craig Eddy Merrill Lynch We recognize the below donors for their gifts of $500–$999

UScellular Webb Burns Wendy and Mark Lucas# William Fralin, Jr.

We recognize the below donors for their gifts of $250–$499 Anonymous (1) Alisa Novak Amy and Paul Nester# Anita Reed Brooke and John Mitchell Catherine and William Powell Catherine Fox Chadwick Fisher Corey Payne Damon Williams Donna and Curtis Mills, Jr.# Emily and Brad Pinkerton^ Eric Wise GAP Gary Armstrong Ilsa Saavedra-Rogan and Frank Rogan James Lee# Jenny and William Burnette# Jill Schroeder and Alan Criss^ Jimmy Russell Johnson Controls Judi and Patrick Murphy# Julie and Chris Carey Katy and Franco Coniglione Kevin Reeder Linda and John Morgan# Maggie and George George Maria Blackshaw Mary Christine and Joseph Prado Mel Wheeler, Inc. Melissa and Stephen Mason Michelle Davis^# Musselwhite & Associates, Inc. Pamala Jones Patti and Bob Herskovitz QuoVadis Washington-Brown Rebekah and Cole Cox Rob Erdman Robin and Blaine Lewis Roseann and Thomas McDonald Sharon and John Park Sheetz, Inc. Corporate Office Taylor Briese# Tina and Vincent Hatcher Vickie Clarke Virginia State Reading Association Whitney and Travis Russell Will Sellari Jane and Robert Sandel Jean and Dan Mumm^ Jennifer Coburn

This society provides national recognition to donors who make unrestricted annual

We recognize the 8 donors who contributed to BGCSWVA at this donation level in 2022. campaign gifts of $10,000 or more. Jeremiah Milbank, the namesake of this society, exemplified a spirit of volunteerism, generosity, compassion, and action for those in need.

This national recognition group acknowledges the thoughtful individuals who have included a Boys & Girls Club in their will or estate plans.

"I believe it is incumbent upon all of us to give back to our community if we are able to do so. Making a planned gift is a way for me to ensure that Boys & Girls Clubs of Southwest Virginia can continue to be a community asset, serving local young people who need us most, for years to come." — Ed Hall , Heritage Society member

*Impact Society Member

#Jim Barker Scholarship Donor

^Blue Door Donor Circle Member


A COMMITMENT to Community Philanthropy

We recognize our Annual Corporate Partners who committed to annual sponsorship at the $2,500+ level by April 30, 2022.

We recognize the below donors for their gifts up to $250 Anonymous (1)

Craig Gunn Cynthia and Mark Lawrence

Cynthia Gibson Cynthia Schultz Darren Chilson Dawn Ross

Adam Sledd Adrian Jones

Deborah Adams Deborah Dobbins Deborah Mattern# Diane and Arnold Speaks Dick Mast Inc Donna Littlepage

Adrienne and James Bunch Allstate Insurance Company Alyce and David Dantzler, III Amanda O'Dell Amanda Smith^ AmazonSmile Foundation

Visionary Sponsor $50,000+

Doris Ennis Drew Falvey Edie and Carl York Elaine Fleck and Richard Normand Elizabeth and John Duckworth Emily Moore# Eric Wunsch Erica Davis Erin Worrall Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC First Bank & Trust Company

Delta Dental of Virginia

Amy and Alan Bayse Amy and Joe Dupuis Amy Bridge Amy Paris Andrea and Robbie Hebert Andrew Cochran Angela and Frank Toney Ann Richardson Anthem Associate Giving Campaign Antonio Hash

Champion Sponsors $25,000 – $49,999 Cox Communications FocusOne Integrated Financial Planning Lionberger Construction Co. Advocate Sponsor $15,000 – $24,999 Freedom First Federal Credit Union

Floyd Johnson# Forrest Belcher Frank Seamster Gap Foundation Gary Anderson Gene Marrano Gene Rose George Arthur Gerald Tuck Gina Jenrette

Arlo Marlow Ashley Cook AT&T Network Operations

AT&T Services, Inc. Bank of Botetourt Battelle Becky Austin#

Mentor Sponsors $10,000 – $14,999 American National Bank & Trust P1 Technologies The Branch Group Ally Sponsors $5,000 – $9,999 Atlantic Bay Mortgage Group Farm Bureau Bank Ideagen Pinnacle Financial Partners Roanoke Valley Orthodontics Scott Insurance / Scott Cares Friend Sponsors $2,500 – $4,999 Aaron Periodontics & Dental Implants Anthem HealthKeepers Plus First Citizens Bank Gentry Locke Attorneys Woods Rogers Vandeventer Black

Betsy Van Patten Bonnie Pearson Brea MacBrien Brenda Richardson Bridget and Andrew Parkins Brittany Crigler Cameron May Carol and Gary Gibson Carol Vest Carolyn and Wayne Harris Casey Lewis Cathy Sigmon Cecelia and James Graham Cheryl Entwistle# Cheryl Facciani Chloe Johnson Chocolatepaper, Inc. Chris's Coffee and Custard Christie Sheffield Christina Harris Christopher Kotoun Chuck Sawyers Cindy Pasternak Clare Wilkinson Cole Binner Connie and Brownie Polly, III

Greg Feldmann# Greg Lionberger Griffin Eubanks Hannah Kinder HCA Healthcare Foundation Intellisurvey.com

Ioana Farthing Jack Swanberg Jack Wilkes

Jackie O'Neill James Payne# Janet Rutherford Jason Storey Jean and John Hitchins, Jr. Jeanna Sullivan

Jeffrey Clark Jeffrey Puuri Jennifer Knickerbocker# Jennifer Pfister and Michael Santoroski Jermaine Arrington^

Jessica Prince^ Jessika Holder^ Jill Thompson Jo Ann Pinkerton

Connie and Tim Hash Copper Cove Golf Club Corey Fobare

Joanna Finton Joanne Perry Joe Cobb


NOTE: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this list. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Emily Pinkerton at epinkerton@bgcswva.org.

John Brink John Cornthwait John Guhl# John O'Connor Jonathan Childress Jonathan White-Spunner Judith and Bruce Hagadorn Juliana and Terry Ballard Julie Behan Kaila Elam Karen and Doug Hankins, Jr.# Karen and Lewis Pillis Karin and Dean Colozza Kathleen Struble Kay and Wayne Strickland Kayla Shelton Kelly and John Douthat# Kiana Elam Kimberly and Jeremy Butterfield Kimberly and Michael Orr Kitty and Fred Thomas Kiwanis Club of Salem Kris and Larry Levy Kristin Beltz Kroger Kroger Mid-Atlantic Laura Benjamin Lauren and Jeremiah Walker

Rebecca Kohli Rebekah and Tyler Meadows Reginald Wood Rhonda and Mike Shannon Roanoke Valley Breakfast Lions Charities, Inc. Rob Lyon Rob Vaughan

Ashlee Warren Barrows, Inc. Bay & Branch Plant Design Beliveau Farm Belle Sante' Cosmetic Day Spa & Wellness Big Lick Brewing Company Big Lick Pizza Kitchen Blue Hills Car Wash Blue Hills Golf Club Book No Further Branch Management Corp. Cabo Fish Taco Charlotte Hornets Crystal Spring Grocery Co. Dormie Network Fleet Feet Sports Gamma Delta Sigma Gatewood Rose Hang 10 Hawaiian Ice, Inc. Hanging Rock Golf Club Home Depot Intradiem Jersey Lily's Legendary Roadhouse Grill Jim Mulcahy Joanna Morris Joe Berenbaum Kathy Schlueter Leigh Ann Burcham Louann Pagans Martin's Downtown Bar & Grill

Mountain Lake Lodge Open Book NRV Parkway Brewing Company Party City PowerSchool Republic Services Roanoke Country Club

Roanoke Mountain Adventures Roanoke Symphony Orchestra Roanoke Valley Association of Realtors, Inc. Robert Young's Auto & Truck, Inc. Rose Dudley Salem Red Sox Professional Baseball Scott Leffel Sidney Rosenbaum Star City Fire Protections, Inc. Star Flight Training Office Target Teresa Smetana The Home Depot The Hotel Roanoke & Conference Center The Inn at Virginia Tech The Liberty Trust Txtur Valvoline Virginia Tech Athletics Leadership Team Walmart Rocky Mount Well Hung Vineyard WyndRose

Robert Bradley, Sr.# Robert Williams, Jr. Robin Young# Ruth Dailey Schuller Golf, Inc. Seasons & Occasions

Sharon and Arthur Accardo Sherri and Rodney Konst# Sidewinders Steak House & Saloon Southern Team Auto Mall Stacy and Neal Devlin^ Stanley Boatwright State Farm Insurance Stephanie and Shannon Burton Steven Westbrook Sub Valley Corp Sue Ward Sunni Purviance Susan and Mayer Levy# Susan Larkin# Suzanne and Chuck Weidner Suzanne and Timothy Vail Suzanne Moore Sybil Hayes# Syreeta Combs-Cannaday and Richie Cannaday Tamra Combs Tara Kight Tara Knight Teresa and Rick Elliott# Terri and Ray Ferris Thomas Ewald Thomas Nash Thomas Turner Toni-Ann Yates Tony Angell Town and Country Renovations# Tracey Mitchell Tyler Lyon Virginia Tech Golf Course Walt Moss William Deyerle Yong Joo Zachary Meador We recognize the below donors for their in-kind contributions Anonymous (1) Accion Labs, Inc. Angela Brain Anne and John Baldridge

Lauren Roberts Lazelle Parker#

Leah and Tommy Kinder Libba and Barry Wolfe# Linda and Paul Ince

Mast General Store, Inc. McDonald's Rocky Mount Mill Mountain Zoo

Linda Bane Liz Quintana Lucy Treado# Lynn McVay Madie and James Rountree, Sr. Marcia and Lewis Johnson

Mondelez Global LLC Mountain City Realty and Auction, LLC

LEGACY Leaving a

Marcia Patton Marit Berntson Marty Robinette Matt Estes Matt Smiley Matthew Macdonald# Matthew Scott^

Boys & Girls Clubs of Southwest Virginia was thrilled to receive a generous $30,000 gift from the Childers Family Foundation, administered by the Community Foundation Serving Western Virginia, to fund our transportation needs. We purchased a 2018 Dodge Grand Caravan which has been an excellent addition to our fleet. In the summer of 2022, our large bus broke down while transporting our kids and needed extensive repair. The bus is used multiple times per week during our summer camp season, and throughout the school year. Additional funding from the estate gift was used to meet this critical need. We are extremely grateful for the forethought of Earl and Ethel Childers to create this fund. Their legacy support is helping us advance our mission of enabling youth to reach their full potential.

Maureen and Mike McAllister Meghan and Brent Cochran Melissa and Frank Kirsh# Melvin Scales

Michael Abraham Michael Hemphill Michelle Frieben Microsoft Mike David Mirna H. Monica Gibbs Natalia Alvarado Nolan Hamilton Olivia Simmons Patricia Shifflett# Patricia Wheeler# Paula Brown Penny Livesay Philip Smiley Rachel Fletcher

To learn more about making a planned gift to Boys & Girls Clubs of Southwest Virginia, visit www.bgcswva.planned.gifts .


*Impact Society Member

#Jim Barker Scholarship Donor

^Blue Door Donor Circle Member

Thank you for your generous support ⁄ !

ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE: 1714 9th Street SE • Roanoke, VA 24013 (540) 904-7401 • www.bgcswva.org

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