2022-2023 Independence Middle School Handbook

The following guidelines will be used for make-up work:

For the first day missed, a student will be given three school days to submit make-up work. If more consecutive days are missed, the student will be granted one additional school day for each day of absence. If a student, parent or guardian knows in advance that an absence will occur, arrangements for make-up work should be made prior to this absence. Failure to complete make-up work will result in a lowering of a student’s grade.

The faculty and administration of each school will develop expectations for completing make up work and post in the student handbook.


Grades 9-12 are on a 4x4 block scheduling format, and as a result attendance is taken during each 90 minute class period. Students must be in class for one hour to be considered present during that period. A. Accumulation of three (3) tardies and/or early dismissals from a course equals one (1) absence for that course. School sponsored activities do not apply to this number. B. If a student accrues 5 absences for a semester course the student will be referred to the School Wide Attendance Committee. This committee will review all facts regarding the stude nt’s attendance along with academic standing and take appropriate action according to Grayson County Public Schools Attendance Policy. Decisions of the School Wide Attendance Committee may be appealed to the Superintendent, and ultimately, to the Grayson County School Board.

C. Exam Exemption - Students may be excused from taking final exams based on:

"A" average going into the examination and three or fewer excused class absences;

"B" average going into the examination and two or fewer excused class absences;

"C" average going into the examination and one or less excused class absences

A student qualifying for examination exemption may take that examination for grade improvement but not to the detriment of the grade going into the examination.


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