2021 2022 Centennial Review

Centennial Entryway Project Commemorates First 100 years To commemorate the University's centennial year and the success of Go Further: The Centennial Campaign for Bluefield University, the Board of Trustees approved an enhancement plan for the main entrance of the school. The redesigned entryway will be constructed in two phases beginning in the Summer of 2022. Phase One improvements include two new Bluefield University cast stone entry signs surrounded by brick enhancing the visibility of the entrance for both eastbound and westbound travelers along College Avenue. The center circle will showcase a feature planting bed and new flag poles. Phase Two of the project will connect Van Dyke Circle, the entryway behind Harman Chapel, to the main entryway. This closes the duplicate entryway and improves traffic flow while providing additional parking for the Chapel and Rish Hall residents. Bluefield University thanks the contributors to Phase One of the project:

Centennial Entryway

Dr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Blaydes Drs. Jeff and Joan Bloomer Town of Bluefield, Virginia Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Campbell

The Stelio & Betty Tracey Corte Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John Newton Ferree, Jr.

Mrs. Dafney K. Peters Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Shott Mr. and Mrs. Smokey Shott Mr. Joseph R. Ruddell

Rev. and Mrs. Rodney J. Hale Dr. and Mrs. Michael P. Harris Mrs. Joyce Johnston Dr. and Mrs. David W. Olive

Estate of W. Paul Cole, Jr: Mr. William P. Cole, III; Mr. Charles M. Cole; and Mr. Thomas J. Cole

The Senate of Virginia presented a resolution honoring the University's centennial year to President Olive, trustee emeritus David Bailey, and Jack Reasor, vice chair of the Board of Trustees for the presentation. The Tazewell County Board of Supervisors also presented a resolution during a luncheon hosted by the University to celebrate the mutually-beneficial relationship with the local community.

The Town of Bluefield, Virginia Town Council, as a gift of appreciation for the century-long relationship between Bluefield University and the town, made the first gift of $100,000 to the Centennial Entryway Project. Council members also donated funds for the University to purchase new University light pole banners to hang along Stadium Drive, Commerce Drive, and College Avenue to show community Rams pride.

Made possible with a grant from the Virginia Counselors Association Foundation, the institution's first Mindfulness Space on campus was created. Located on the second floor of the Science Center, the space provides dedicated space for quiet reflection and prayer. The University remains dedicated to student mental health through its own counseling center with licensed counselors.

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