2021 2022 Centennial Review


Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Scott, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. W. Donald Scott Mrs. Linda Scott-Stone Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Scruggs Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scruggs Seaboard Enterprises, LLC

Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Shott Ms. Lydia J. Showalter Mr. James F. Shrader Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shrewsberry Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Shroyer Ms. Dianne H. Shuler Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Shutt Mr. Allen H. Siegel Mr. and Mrs. E. Gerald Silver Mr. Zachary C. Silver Mr. and Mrs. James C. Simmons Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Simmons Rev. and Mrs. L. Steven Simpson

Mr. Seth T. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Smith, Jr.

Ms. Sharry D. Smith Mr. Sonny L. Smith Mr. Steve L. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Ted Smith Mr. Tim Smith Mrs. Virginia L. Smith Mr. Zachary B. Smith

Mrs. Cheryl G. Seay Mrs. Vera B. Seigler Mr. Mike A. Self Mrs. R. Dianne Sellers Ms. Vickie Seltz

Ms. Karla R. Snead Mr. Kent P. Snead Mr. and Mrs. Ned H. Sniffin Ms. Elizabeth C. Snipes Ms. Sheila W. Snow Mr. and Mrs. John R. Snowden Snowshoe Mountain Resort Mr. and Mrs. C. Earl Snyder Mrs. Miriam K. Sodergren Mr. Abel E. Solademi Sophisticated Hound Brewing Company Dr. and Mrs. J. Paul Sorrels Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Sowder Mr. Charles J. Sowers Ms. Kathryn S. Sowers Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Sparks Ms. Amy A. Speaks Mr. and Mrs. Maynard L. Spell Mrs. Mary M. Spence Mr. and Mrs. Jim H. Spencer, III Mr. Justin F. Spracher Mr. and Mrs. William C. Spracher Ms. Judith C. Spradling Mrs. Kelley M. St. Clair St. John's Baptist Church St. John's Episcopal Church Dr. Jason St. Pierre Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Stacy, Esq Mr. and Mrs. Coy O. Stacy Ms. Jennifer A. Stacy Ms. Nina Stafford

Mr. Ronald L. Selvey Ms. Virginia Sensale Mr. Stephen R. Sentell Mr. Alfred H. Senter Servpro of Beckley Ms. Jan Sessor Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Seward Mrs. Lois A. Sexton Mr. Randolph H. Sexton Mr. and Mrs. William G. Sexton Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Shackleford, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob A. Sharkey Dr. Jessica H. Sharp Mr. J. Scott Sharp Dr. Timothy W. Sharp Mr. Antowyne J. C. Shaw Ms. Ann Sheets Mrs. Charlene R. Sheets Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sheets Shell Oil Company Foundation Mrs. Carolyn J. Shelton Mr. and Mrs. David B. Shelton Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Shelton Shentel Foundation Mrs. Molly Sheppard Mr. and Mrs. Evan G. Sherman Dr. Ronald W. Shipe Mr. and Mrs. Everett P. Shockley Mr. Robert E. Shockley Ms. Vivian M. Shockley Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Short, Jr. Mr. Claude E. Short Mr. and Mrs. Donald Short Mr. Donald G. Short Mr. Phillip A. Short Shortt and Associates, Inc. Ms. Carlie D. Shott Mr. and Mrs. James H. Shott, III Mr. John C. Shott Mr. and Mrs. John H. Shott Ms. Karen A. Shott

Pastor Thomas B. Sims Mr. William A. Sinclair Chaplain L. Gregory Sink Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. Sisk Mrs. Lucille J. Sisk Mr. and Mrs. Juan M. Siso Ms. Tina Sisson

Mr. David A. Siuta Ms. Phyllis L. Sizer Mr. Hiram H. Skaggs Skewes Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David A. Skidmore Skyland Bible Conference Mr. Larry E. Slagle Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Slemp, Jr. Mrs. Vonda G. Slone Ms. Barbara K. Slough Mrs. Karen Beth Sluss Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Smart Ms. Adelaide J. Smith Mr. Ben M. Smith Mr. Craig Smith

Mrs. Deanna H. Smith Mrs. Eleanor K. Smith Ms. Elizabeth P. Smith Mrs. Gloria G. Smith Mr. Jeffrey Smith Ms. Jodi M. Smith Ms. Julie Smith Ms. Kimberly D. Smith Mrs. Linda R. Smith Mrs. Martha J. Smith Mr. McNeale T. Smith Mr. Otho Smith Dr. Patricia A. Smith Mrs. Patricia W. Smith Mr. Richard B. Smith Dr. Richard E. Smith Mr. Robert K. Smith

Mr. William M. Stafford Mrs. Joeann W. Standley Mr. Daniel L. Stanley Mr. Patrick Starkey


State Farm Companies Foundation State of Connecticut Department of Children & Families Ms. Rosa L. Staton Mr. and Mrs. Kerry D. Stauffer Mr. Christopher Steadwell Mr. John M. Stebbins


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