2021 2022 Centennial Review
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Clark, III Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Clarke Ms. Alice Clary Dr. Henry W. Clary Mr. Martin Clary Mr. Samuel Clary Mr. and Mrs. Roger Clatterbuck Dr. Gerald E. Clay Clay Center Mr. and Mrs. Cameron W. Clement Mrs. Elizabeth L. Clement Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Clement Clinch Valley Medical Center Mr. Joshua and Dr. Peyton Cline Mr. and Mrs. Tanner Cline Mrs. Jessica R. Williams Ms. Barbara M. Cloninger Coastal Association Management, Inc. Mr. Frank Folsom Coates, III Mr. Timothy A. Coates Mr. Brad Cobb Mr. Chris Cobb Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas C. Cockerham Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Coffey Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Coffman Mr. and Mrs. John W. Coggsdale III Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Cole Mr. Scott Cole Mr. and Mrs. William P. Cole, III Cole Family Foundation Ms. Nancy S. Collins Mr. Russell E. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Collinsworth Community Foundation of the Virginias, Inc. Mrs. Patricia R. Compton Mr. Phill J. Compton Rev. Stafford L. Compton Mrs. Suzanne Compton Mr. and Mrs. Marcus J. Conklin Mrs. Tiana Conklin CONNcert Music World, Inc. Mrs. Carol W. Conner Mr. and Mrs. E. Wayne Conner Ms. Sarah Conrad Mrs. Elizabeth H. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Dee L. Coleman College Avenue Baptist Church
Ms. Nancy H. Cooke Mr. Baerbel Cooks Ms. Grace A. Cooper Ms. Kristina Cooper Mr. Rick W. Cooper
Mrs. Martha R. Cundiff Mr. and Mrs. David A. Cunningham Mrs. Pamela K. Curran Mrs. Anne C. Currin Mr. and Mrs. George F. Curtis Mr. and Mrs.Thomas C. Cutler Cuz's Cabins & Restaurant, Inc. Ms. Roberta Cyr Mr. Ernestine C. Dalton Dr. John C. Dalton Mr. and Mrs. Garry Damron Mr. Danny J. Daniels, Jr. Ms. Valerie A. Daniels Ms. Jennifer Daraio Ms. Margaret Daraio Mrs. Patricia Claiborne Darwin Ms. Ranea Daughtery Mrs. Sheila A. Daughtry Davenport & Company, LLC David Bailey Associates Ms. Angela L. Davidson Mr. J. Michael Davidson Ms. Nancy D. Davidson Mr. Charles Whedbee and Mrs. Elizabeth Davidson-Whedbee Mr. and Mrs. F. Gregory Davis Mr. Larry D. Davis Rev. and Mrs. Lee R. Davis Mrs. Leta M. Davis Mr. and Mrs. William D. Day, III DCI Property Management, LLC DCI/Shires, Inc. Ms. Shirley K. De Roco Ms. Natalie de Rojas Ms. Anna Maria De Cheke Mrs. LeAnn Deel Mrs. Stephanie H. Deel Deliverance Temple Church Mr. John B. Dellis, Jr. Deloitte & Touche LLP Deloitte Foundation Ms. Beth Delp Dr. and Mrs. Denos C. Demopoulos Mrs. Emmy K. Dennison Ms. Lydia Depledge Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Descak Ms. Loretta DeToma Ms. Carol G. Cutler Mr. Joseph H. Cutler Mr. and Mrs. Luke A. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Victor L. Davis Mr. William H. Davis
Mrs. Cynthia F. Copolo Mr. Luiz Cesar Coradi Dr. and Mrs. Joshua S. Cornett Cornwell Bireley Family Charitable Trust Mr. Miguel Angel Correa Mr. Mirto A. Corte Mr. Blaine C. Cosgro Mr. Alex Costa Council of Independent Colleges Country Tonite Theatre Ms. Gabrielle E. Courtney Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Courtney, Jr. Judge Kenneth M. Covington Mrs. Sharon M. Cowe Mr. and Mrs. Ewin F. Cowley
Ms. Cheryl A. Cox Mr. Christian Cox Mr. Fred Cox Ms. Linda H. Cox Mrs. Linda S. Cox
Mrs. Samantha M. Cox Ms. Linda S. Crabtree Dr. Ryan D. Craddock Mrs. Brenda Craft Ms. Kathy Craft
Mrs. Leanna J. Craig Mrs. Lois C. Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Creasy Mr. David R. Creecy, V Ms. Jeanne E. Creecy Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Creel Dr. Edward C. Crews Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Crews Mr. Jason S. Criss
Mrs. Nancy L. Crockett Mr. Nathan M. Cronk Mr. Robert L. Crotts Mr. Barry E. Crotty Mrs. Nancy Crowder Ms. Amy Cruff
Mr. and Mrs. W. Alvin Cruise Dr. Yosely K. Cruz-Fernandez Mr. Drake K. Cullens Mr. and Mrs. James "JJ" Cullens Ms. Stephanie Cumpston
Mrs. Emily D. Cook Mrs. Janet C. Cook Mrs. J. Nikki Cook Cook JTB, Inc.
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