2021 2022 Centennial Review

2021-2022 Centennial Review

President’s Report • Centennial Campaign Report • Honor Roll of Donors

2021-2022 Board of Trustees Mr. C. Todd Asbury '93, Chair Mr. John Beckett, Jr. Mr. Steve Bickford Dr. Jeff Bloomer Mr. Brandon Caldwell '02 Mrs. Teresa Cole '85 Rev. Rodney Hale '60 Rev. Ron Hall '81 Mr. Robert "Bob" Houck '67 Mr. Allen Jessee Mrs. Julie Johnson '88 Mr. David Kirk '90 Mr. David T. Larimer, II '92 Mrs. Phyillis Marcom

Centennial Scripture

“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light – for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness, and truth.” Ephesians 5:8-9


Dr. Dixie Tooke-Rawlins Mr. Jackson E. Reasor, Jr. Mr. John Rocovich, Jr. Mr. Thomas R. Scott, Jr. Rev. Craig Stout Dr. Jerry Turley Mr. Michael A. Wade Mr. William S. Winfrey, II Mr. Lamont Woods '92

As we conclude our first century of service at Bluefield University, it is important that we collectively pause for a final time to reflect on the journey that has brought us to this moment in time. Our history reflects a resilient institution. However, it is not the buildings on campus or our programs that have ultimately shaped us. It is the people. The generations of people connected by Bluefield University are the enduring feature that has caused this institution to go further. As you review this annual report, take note of the many names throughout. More so, consider the greater collective formed when counting all who have supported Bluefield through the decades. We have strived together to see God's light shine through this Lighthouse on the Hill for 100 years. Let us continue on the journey together, and welcome new supporters along the way, to see the mission of Bluefield University carried out in our second century of Christian higher education. Partnering with you in faithful service,

Trustees Emeriti

2020-2021 Advisory Council Dr. Randy Belt '94 Dr. David L. Bailey, Jr. '60 Dr. Jane Duremedes Dr. T. Keith Edwards Dr. Daniel E. Grabeel, Sr. '55 Mr. Margaret Leonard '55 Dr. Charles B. Nunn, Jr. Mr. David Skidmore

Mrs. Kathy Berry '75 Ms. Cindy Carter '75 Dr. Don Caudill Mr. William Gilmer Dr. Bobby F. Griffin Mr. Dennis Harper '71

Mr. Mark Hipes '03 Dr. Garry Jones '74 Mr. Howard Mayo '88 Ms. Jennifer Mitchell '08 Mrs. Leann Montgomery '05 Mrs. Rebecca Peterson

Mr. Eddie Rader '03 Mr. Robert Ramey '98

Mr. Nolan Rich '52 Mrs. A.J. Robinson Mrs. Cynthia Sheets '91 Mr. Peter Taylor Rev. William P. Tuck '55, Chair Mrs. Jennifer Turley '96 2020-2021 Alumni Board of Directors Mrs. Hallie Elder '13 Ms. Courtney Ellis '97 Ms. Lydia Freeman '13 Mr. Eli Hairfield '17 Mrs. Rebecca Kasey '17 Ms. Beth Kinser '18 Mr. Morgan Loyd '13, Vice President Mr. Tim Mann '88 Mr. Wayne Pate '73 Ms. Sarah Pauley '19 Mr. Dennis Peters '61 Mr. Scott Polhamhus '11 Ms. Olivia Ray '18 Mrs. Sara English Rutherford '96, President Mr. William Michael Rutherford '98 Mr. Zachary Smith, Esq. '08, Past President Ms. Allison Campbell '18 Mr. Stephen Coffman '97 Mr. Matthew Moore '13 Mr. Matthew Mullins '18

Bluefield University is a Christ-centered learning community developing servant-leaders to transform the world. University Mission Statement

University Core Values

We are Christian in outlook, Baptist in tradition, and welcoming to each person.

We are committed to academic excellence and life-long inquiry embracing the liberal arts tradition through the study of humanities, sciences, professional studies, and graduate programs.

We are a diverse community characterized by integrity, mutual respect, support, and encouragement.

We are passionate about helping students understand their life calling and become compassionate, globally-minded servant leaders.




948 76%

2021-2022 Executive University Leadership Team and Deans

Students Enrolled in Fall 2021 Census

Student to Faculty Ratio On Campus

Full-Time Faculty Hold Terminal Degrees in Field of Study

Dr. Marshall Flowers Provost Dr. Patricia Neely Executive Vice President for Online & Distance Education Mrs. M. Ruth Blankenship Vice President for Finance and Administration Mr. Joshua D. Cline '09 Vice President for Institutional Advancement and Marketing Dr. Joshua Arnold Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Development Mrs. Tonia Walker Vice President for Intercollegiate Athletics Mr. Chip Lambert '09 Vice President for Operations and Technology Dr. Emily Lambert Dean of the College of Sciences Dr. Jessica Sharp Dean of the School of Nursing Dr. Thomas Brewster '91 Dean of the School of Education and Social Sciences Dr. Kimberly Farmer Dean of the School of Criminal Justice Dr. Paul Bennett Interim Dean for the Caudill School of Business Dr. Darrin Martin Dean of Academic Support and ACE Dr. Paul Lemon Dean of Registration Services Dr. Tracey Stout Dean of the College of Arts and Letters




Intercollegiate Athletic Teams

Student-Athletes Made the Spring 2022 Presidents or Deans List

Spring 2022 Career GPA for Student-Athletes

Academic Programs Offered Online and On Campus 70+


Traditional Students Receiving Financial Aid 99%

Most Recent Rating by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA)

Students by State (2021-2022)

Countries Represented

Red states represent less than ten students while blue states represent more than ten

Top Ten States Students Come From 1) Virginia - 583

6) Tennessee - 23 7) Maryland - 19 8) Alabama - 15 9) Georgia - 15 10) California - 14

2) West Virginia - 136 3) North Carolina - 48 4) Florida - 34 5) South Carolina - 24

*Quick Facts are collected from Board of Trustee reports and other University sources



Bluefield University Students Go Further With Enhanced Technology Students, faculty, and staff all received the benefit of new technologies for the 2021-2022 academic year thanks to the support of key foundations supporting Bluefield University. The season of change was implemented through new enrollment plan initiatives adopted by the Board of Trustees. The RAMSConnect initiative for on-campus students partnered with Apple to provide each an iPad Air 4, smart keyboard, and Apple Pencil 2. Each iPad was preloaded with all textbooks for the student's semester. The initiative emphasized the University's commitment to providing the best opportunity for student success and equal access to technology. In the academic world, faculty were also provided the opportunity to utilize iPads as part of their instruction. A new learning management platform, Canvas, was implemented for all courses. With the assistance of instructional designers led by Executive Vice President Pat Neely, all courses are receiving a streamlined look and feel through Canvas in order to enhance the user experience students incur through their educational journey. The Admissions Office moved to a Salesforce system for managing prospective student processes and added integrated phone systems which directly input communications processes into the student's file. An updated digital communications system, Pardot, was also added for enhanced email capabilities. Finally, the Advancement team undertook a change from its Jenzabar database services to Blackbaud's Raiser's Edge NXT. The new database provides enhanced reporting for fundraising purposes. The Operations and Technology team was commended in the Spring Board of Trustee meeting for their mobility and speed in the monumental task of installing all new systems.

Bluefield University students have a new space for indoor athletic practice and winter activities at the Keene-Beavers Building in Bluefield, West Virginia. The building was generously donated by Keene Carpet owners Harold "Lynn" Keene, his wife Charlotte, and Annette Beavers. The former carpet store was previously transformed into indoor recreation space with a court used for tennis and pickleball courts among other uses.

A legacy family with generations of graduates from Bluefield University, the Philpott family have long supported the institution. The University celebrates the life of the late Curtis "Joe" Philpott. As a proud member of The Heritage Society, the University's planned giving club, his estate will provide ten years of gifts to The University Fund for annual scholarships and create an endowed scholarship.

#RiseUpRams is the dedicated fall fundraiser for Bluefield University Athletics. Thanks to leading gifts from corporate sponsors and generous support from annual donors, the campaign had a banner year. Sponsors included Gigabeam Networks for The Rammies, an evening celebrating the achievements of student-athletes, and Swope Construction Co. for their sponsorship of the 20th Annual Golfer's Challenge which raises athletic scholarship funds.


Centennial Entryway Project Commemorates First 100 years To commemorate the University's centennial year and the success of Go Further: The Centennial Campaign for Bluefield University, the Board of Trustees approved an enhancement plan for the main entrance of the school. The redesigned entryway will be constructed in two phases beginning in the Summer of 2022. Phase One improvements include two new Bluefield University cast stone entry signs surrounded by brick enhancing the visibility of the entrance for both eastbound and westbound travelers along College Avenue. The center circle will showcase a feature planting bed and new flag poles. Phase Two of the project will connect Van Dyke Circle, the entryway behind Harman Chapel, to the main entryway. This closes the duplicate entryway and improves traffic flow while providing additional parking for the Chapel and Rish Hall residents. Bluefield University thanks the contributors to Phase One of the project:

Centennial Entryway

Dr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Blaydes Drs. Jeff and Joan Bloomer Town of Bluefield, Virginia Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Campbell

The Stelio & Betty Tracey Corte Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John Newton Ferree, Jr.

Mrs. Dafney K. Peters Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Shott Mr. and Mrs. Smokey Shott Mr. Joseph R. Ruddell

Rev. and Mrs. Rodney J. Hale Dr. and Mrs. Michael P. Harris Mrs. Joyce Johnston Dr. and Mrs. David W. Olive

Estate of W. Paul Cole, Jr: Mr. William P. Cole, III; Mr. Charles M. Cole; and Mr. Thomas J. Cole

The Senate of Virginia presented a resolution honoring the University's centennial year to President Olive, trustee emeritus David Bailey, and Jack Reasor, vice chair of the Board of Trustees for the presentation. The Tazewell County Board of Supervisors also presented a resolution during a luncheon hosted by the University to celebrate the mutually-beneficial relationship with the local community.

The Town of Bluefield, Virginia Town Council, as a gift of appreciation for the century-long relationship between Bluefield University and the town, made the first gift of $100,000 to the Centennial Entryway Project. Council members also donated funds for the University to purchase new University light pole banners to hang along Stadium Drive, Commerce Drive, and College Avenue to show community Rams pride.

Made possible with a grant from the Virginia Counselors Association Foundation, the institution's first Mindfulness Space on campus was created. Located on the second floor of the Science Center, the space provides dedicated space for quiet reflection and prayer. The University remains dedicated to student mental health through its own counseling center with licensed counselors.

Find these headlines and more at bluefield.edu/news-events



Go Further

$25,026,707.23 The $18 Million Centennial Campaign for Bluefield University

Donors by Category

Total Donors 2,705

Gifts Made 11,073

Health and Wellness Initiative Science Center Planned Giving

$ 2,598,286.93 $ 2,308,999.05 $ 4,036,939.00 $ 3,299,858.22 $ 2,550,083.93 $ 4,711,296.27 $ 5,521,243.83


The University Fund Endowment Growth Campaign Unrestricted Restricted Giving

Total Campaign Giving

$ 25,026,707.23

Each spring and winter as graduates line up for the processional, I have the privilege to offer well-wishes and hear of the plans of our newest alumni. During these moments, I draw graduates' attention to the nomenclature intentionally chosen to title the day. You see many title this as graduation, which is technically the conferral of the degree. It implies an ending and that the work is done. However, at Bluefield, we purposefully designate the ceremony as a commencement: a beginning, or a start. As we celebrate the successful conclusion of Go Further: The Centennial Campaign for Bluefield University, we too should not consider this the ending. Likewise, it is a strong start to our second century of Christian higher education. As we have stood on the shoulders of those who founded and built this venerable institution in the past 100 years, future generations will benefit and build upon the noble efforts of this campaign. Thank you for your steadfast support. We invite you to continue with us as we ensure "Bluefield University is a Christ-centered learning community developing servant leaders to transform the world.” Joshua D. Cline '09, Vice President for Institutional Advancement



A world traveler who recently visted Antartica, alumnus and trustee Bob Houck recently completed a visit to all seven continents. However, his favorite trips are reserved for Bluefield each year. As active supporters of The Heritage Society, Bluefield University's planned giving society, he and his wife, Shirley, established The Houck Scholars. This scholarship award will benefit students in the Caudill School of Business or the School of Education and Social Sciences with need. "God has been very good to me. It is an honor to serve and to share a portion of what He has given me with Bluefield University." - Mr. Robert "Bob" Houck '67

"We believe in supporting the community that supports us. That is why we are proud to be members of the Rams Club at Bluefield University. Ensuring student-athletes can go further in their studies and life ensures a brighter future for us all."

- Mr. Ron Mallory, President

In addition to their support in constructing the third-floor addition of The Science Center of Bluefield University, SWOPE Construction has served as a long-time supporter of scholarships for student-athletes through the Rams Club. As title sponsors of the annual Golfers' Challenge, they have assisted the University in raising over $50,000 for athletics in recent years.

Former Alumni Association President Shirley Meador created a scholarship over a decade ago with the goal of helping future teachers with tuition aid. Each year she has faithfully committed gifts to this scholarship and with market growth, this endowment fund has nearly tripled in size further benefiting the students it was created to serve. "A little here and there goes a long way in creating an endowed scholarship. It doesn't take much to get started and to benefit so many for a lifetime." - Mrs. Shirley Chapman Meador' 73

"We give online during #RiseUpRams and BUGiving Day because it is an easy way to support my alma mater and we know students immediately receiving scholarship support they need."

- Dr. Michael Harris '97 and Mrs. Heather Harris

Mike and Heather Harris have served as matching gift supporters during several of the University's giving day campaigns. Through their challenges, which offered dollar-for-dollar matches to other alumni and friends, additional scholarship support was raised for students at Bluefield University. Mike is fond of telling other alumni and community members that "everyone can give something because they were given something from Bluefield."



4imprint.com Ms. Susan M. Aaron Mr. Evan M. Abbey Mr. and Mrs. John Mark Abbey Ms. Donna Abbott Rodney R. Abrahams, D.D.S. ACE Adventure Resort

Mrs. Judith D. Angles Mrs. Vickie J. Angus Anheuser-Busch Foundation Mrs. Bobbie M. Anker Anytime Fitness Appalachian College Association Appalachian Community Fund Applebee's of Bluefield, VA Mr. L. Herbert Apsley, Jr. Ms. Kim Arguello Mr. Blair M. Armbrsiter Dr. and Mrs. David M. Armbrister Armistead Avenue Veterinary Hospital, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Chadrick L. Arnold Dr. and Mrs. Joshua R. Arnold Mrs. Natalie Arnold Arvil V. and Mary A. Adams Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. C. Todd Asbury Mrs. Julia B. Ashley Mr. Michael Ashton Mrs. Tina M. Ashwell Mr. David A. Ashworth Mr. and Mrs. Lamar K. Atkins, Jr. Mrs. Melanie Dawn Atkins Mrs. Rennie B. Atkins Mr. Jeffrey A. Atwell Mr. and Mrs. William T. Atwell Auburn Hills Golf Club Rev. and Mrs. David E. Ausby Mrs. Floriene A. Austin Mrs. Sarah B. Austin Ms. Sarah E. Austin Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Austin Ms. Vera L. Austin Ms. Jennifer C. Avellino Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Avery Mr. John A. Ayers Mr. and Mrs. John L. Ayers, II Mrs. Marsha C. Ayers Mr. Reginald L. Ayers Mr. Wayne A. Ayers Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Ayscue Ms. Patricia Babbitt Back of the Dragon Ms. Randa Bahmed Ms. Dorothy Baier Mr. Barry L. Bailey Miss Betty G. Bailey Ms. Brooke N. Bailey Drs. David L. and Judith B. Bailey

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Bailey Mrs. Dorothy O. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Gene F. Bailey Mr. Jeffrey A. Bailey Dr. Judith B. Bailey Mrs. Karyl L. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Bailey Ms. Ramona A. Bailey Ms. Shannon Bailey Mr. Thomas L. Bailey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hardy Bailey-Kirk Funeral Home, Inc. Mr. Allen W. Baker, Jr. Ms. Dianne H. Baker Mrs. E. Carole Baker Rev. and Mrs. David N. Baldwin Mr. Steve Baldwin Ms. Beth Ballance Mr. Andrew Balthaser Mr. and Mrs. David P. Balthaser Ms. Jeannette R. Balthaser Ms. Rebekah Balthaser Ms. Sheila Balthaser Mrs. Virginia N. Balthaser Bandy Auto, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. W. Michael Bandy Mrs. Jean H. Bane Mr. and Mrs. William D. Bane, Sr. Bank of America Foundation - NationsBank Bankers Insurance, LLC Mr. Britton Banks, Jr. Baptist General Association of Virginia Barbara A. Custalow Living Trust Mrs. Mary Susan Barge Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson R. Barker Mr. Phillip H. Barker Ms. Margaret Barnes Mrs. Phyllis B. Barnes Ms. Sharon Barnes Mr. Benjamin Barnett Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Barnette Mrs. Donna B. Barnum Mrs. Andrea R. Barr Mr. Benjamin G. Barrett Mrs. Euna T. Barrett Ms. Ana G. Barros Mr. Darron M. Barrus Barter Theatre Mrs. Lynnette M. Bartlett Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Bartnick Barton Ford Suffolk

Mr. and Mrs. William B. Acken Dr. and Mrs. Arvil V. Adams Mr. Thomas W. Addison Mr. David B. Adkins Rev. Coan G. Agee Rev. and Mrs. Dan W. Agee Mr. Charlie M. Agnew Rev. and Mrs. George T. Agnew Mrs. Jessica R. Akers Aladdin Food Management Services, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Larry T. Albright Mr. and Mrs. John I. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. S. Tyrone Alexander, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin I. Allen Mr. Christopher J. Allen Mr. Mark W. Albini Mr. Chuck Albrecht Altizer & Associates Company Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso Alvarez Ms. Tamara J. Alvarez-Espinal Mr. and Mrs. Nick Ameli, Jr. American Electric Power American Online Giving Foundation American Shakespeare Center Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Ammar Mr. J. Craig Amos Mr. and Mrs. James C. Anders Ms. Jessica L. Anders Mr. and Mrs. James C. Anders Mr. William C. Anders Mr. Danny T. Anderson Mr. Donald Anderson Mrs. Elizabeth C. Anderson Mrs. Mary Kathleen Anderson Mr. and Mrs. P. Warren Anderson, Jr. Mr. William G. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Willie E. Anderson Mrs. Katrina L. Allen Mrs. Kimberly C. Allen Mrs. Susan L. Allen Mrs. Shelley Allmond Mr. Kyle E. Almond Mr. Attilio S. Aloia Alorica Mrs. Theresa L. Altice




Dr. Cynthia L. Bascom Mr. and Mrs. James T. Bascom Mrs. Verna C. Bascom Mr. Roger S. Baskin Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Bass Mrs. Carolyn R. Bassett Bassett Furniture Industries, Inc. Ms. Audrey Bast Mr. and Mrs. Gerard A. Bast Mr. Jaxon L. Bast Mr. Jeffrey M. Bast Mr. Mark P. Batoon Battlefield Golf Club Mr. and Mrs. Bradford J. Bauer Mr. and Mrs. Gavin J. Bauer Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Beamer Mr. L. Dale Beane Dr. and Mrs. Paul W. Beasley Ms. Paula J. Beasley Beaver Lions Club Mr. and Mrs. Bryan E. Beavers Mrs. Cynthia L. Beavers Mr. Kaimen A. Beavers Mrs. Wendy S. Beavers Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Becker Mrs. Rebbecca T. Becker Mr. and Mrs. John P. Beckett, Jr. Rev. Carl D. Belcher Mrs. Laura E. Belcher Belk of Mercer Mall Mrs. Erika E. Bell Mrs. Donna F. Belote Drs. Randall L. and Whitney L. Belt Mr. and Mrs. Neal D. Bennett Dr. and Mrs. Paul H. Bennett Ms. Michelle Bentley Mr. and Mrs. Tony E. Bentley Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Berger Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Berget Berkeley Plantation Rev. J. Andrew Berry Mr. and Mrs. Bill A. Berry Ms. Sarah Bertsch Beshears Holdings, LLC Bethel Baptist Church of Lebanon Mr. John T. Betterton, Jr. Ms. Linda J. Bickford Mrs. Lois N. Bickford Mr. and Mrs. R. Steven Bickford Mr. Branden Belush Mr. Douglas Belush Mrs. Doris D. Bender

Ms. Bonnie T. Bierer CWO Timothy Bigler Bill Cole Auto Mall Biltmore

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bolch, Jr. Mrs. Mary M. Boni Ms. Courtney Booth Mr. Jacob B. Booth Mr. and Mrs. Jim Booth Mr. Jerry W. Boothe Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Boozer Mr. Harry F. Bosen, Jr. Ms. Aleshia M. Boshers Mr. Harold W. Bosserman Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Bourne Ms. Hilda D. Bower Mrs. Jane M. Bowerman Mr. Kevin Bowers Ms. Leslie A. Bowers Mrs. Gloria L. Bowman Mrs. Lucy W. Bowman Mr. William M. Bowser Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Boyd Mrs. Andrea Brade Mr. Neal R. Brade Mrs. Mary L. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. William S. Bradley Mr. Steven H. Brady Brainerd Gallery Mr. Joseph P. Brake Bramwell Chapter of the Eastern Star Mrs. Ashley C. Branch Mr. and Mrs. J. Travis Branch Mrs. Pamela C. Branch Ms. Megan C. Brandl Mr. and Mrs. William Brandl Mr. Raymond E. Branson Ms. Kaija L. Bratcher Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Breeding Mr. and Mrs. Jerry R. Brewer Mrs. Kimberly D. Brewer Mr. Harold D. Brewster, Jr. Dr. Thomas M. Brewster Mr. William H. Bridges, Jr. Mr. Eugene F. Brieck Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Briggs Mr. Craig Brawley Ms. Sharon Braxton

Mr. & Mrs. William C. Bird, M.D. Birthplace of Country Music Museum Ms. Janice M. Bishop Mr. and Mrs. Caleb A. Bittler Mr. and Mrs. Gary Black

Dr. and Mrs. Joe R. Blackstock Mrs. Lauren Faith Blackwell Mr. Matt J. Blake

Mr. Richard A. Blakeley Mr. Gabriel A. Blakman Bland Street United Methodist Church Mr. and Mrs. J. Ted Blankenship Mr. and Mrs. John W. Blankenship Mr. and Mrs. John Blankenship Mrs. Sally J. Blankenship Mr. Stephen P. Blankenship Ms. Tonia L. Blankenship Mr. and Mrs. William M. Blanton Ms. Margit Blaschitz Dr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Blaydes Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Blevins Mr. and Mrs. James E. Blevins Blue Ridge Shadows Golf Club Bluefield Baseball Club, Inc. Bluefield Inn Bluefield University - Baseball Department Bluefield University - Football Department Bluefield University - Golf Department Bluefield University - Men's Soccer Bluefield University - Softball Department Bluefield University - Women's Volleyball Ms. Alandra L. Blume Ms. Stephanie L. Blume Mr. Jeffrey L. Boatwright Bob Evans Restaurant of Bluefield, VA Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bochtler Mrs. Meghan L. Bohach Mr. and Mrs. John-Michael Bohon Mr. Sy Bohon Ms. Mary W. Boitnott Mrs. Rita P. Blevins Ms. Bernadette Bliss Drs. Jeff and Joan Bloomer Blue Hills Golf Club Bluefield University Art Club Bluefield University Bookstore


Bristol Motor Speedway Mr. Michael D. Britain Dr. Lewis O. Brogdon, Jr.

Ms. Jessica L. Brokaw Mr. James A. Brooks Mr. James S. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Marquis Brooks, Jr. Dr. Sheila J. Brooks



Mrs. Phoebe J. Brooks-Crofts Ms. Diana L. Brookshire

Mr. and Mrs. W. Gaines Burnette Mr. Mark T. Burr Mr. and Mrs. Benny M. Burrell Mr. and Dr. Benny M. Burrell Mr. and Mrs. Dow A. Burton Mrs. Nora L. Burton Mrs. Patricia W. Burton Mr. Kevin Bush Dr. and Mrs. Lewis Buterakos Ms. Alice F. Butler Mrs. Shelley T. Butler Mr. Herbert H. Butt Mrs. Karen R. Byerly Ms. Linda G. Byrd Mr. and Mrs. William R. Byrd Ms. Amanda Z. Cajigas Mr. and Mrs. Brandon S. Caldwell Mr. Percy Caldwell Ms. Lisa D. Cale Mr. Edward P. Cales Mr. and Mrs. David A. Calfee Mr. and Mrs. Joel A. Calfee Mr. and Mrs. Michael Callaghan Mr, Devin D. Calloway Ms. Allison N. Campbell Ms. Cindy Campbell Mr. E. Sherman Campbell Ms. Elizabeth Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm E. Campbell Mr. Robert W. Campbell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Campbell Campbell University Mr. and Mrs. Adam P. Cannoy Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Carder Mr. Andrew B. Caress Ms. Valerie Caricofe Carilion Clinic Carilion Tazewell Community Hospital, Inc. Miss Emily C. Carlisle Ms. Jo Ann Carlisle Mrs. Johanna R. Carlisle Mr. and Mrs. Wayne C. Carlisle Mr. John C. Carlton Mr. James L. Carmines, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. D. Scott Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Carr Mr. Thomas D. Carr Mr. Daniel J. Carro Carson Lumber Remanufacturing

Mrs. Cynthia L. Carter Mr. and Mrs. George F. Carter Mr. John B. Carter, Jr. Ms. Loretta C. Carty Mrs. Gwendolyn W. Carwile Ms. Toni K. Cash Ms. Tiera Cate Mr. Christopher T. Catron Mr. and Mrs. Luther C. Cecil Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cecil Mr. and Mrs. Shawn T. Cecil Ms. Magaly Celis Mr. and Mrs. Regulo E. Celis Centa Carpet Cleaning Chad Murray - State Farm Insurance Mr. Thomas R. Chaffins Chamber of Commerce of the Two Virginias Mr. Hayden R. Chandley Mrs. Georgia F. Chapman Mrs. Mary F. Chappell Charities Aid Foundation of America Mr. Jackie S. Charles, Jr. Charles B. Keesee Educational Fund Charlie Daniels Band Music, LLC Ms. Melissa W. Chase Chevron Texaco Mr. and Mrs. R. Bradley Chewning Chick-Fil-A of Mercer Mall Mr. and Mrs. Nick Chicklo Children Today Leaders Tomorrow Mrs. Amy S. Childress Mrs. Ann M. Chilton Ms. Katherine Chippey Mr. and Mrs. James R. Chisman Christ Episcopal Church Mr. and Mrs. D. Bruce Christian Chuck Mathena Center Church of St. Peter and St. Paul Mr. Kevin R. Churchill Citizens Building Supply & Home Center Mr. and Mrs. David M. Cizmadia, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clapp Ms. Amy M. Clapsaddle Glenn L. Catron, DMD Dr. Donald W. Caudill Ms. Patricia Causey

Mr. and Mrs. Ricky A. Brower Rev. and Mrs. Brent L. Brown Ms. Catherine Louise Brown Mr. and Mrs. Chad M. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Brown Mrs. C. Diane H. Brown Mr. and Mrs. C. Radford Brown, III Mr. Kennedy M. Brown

Mrs. Kim G. Brown Ms. Kimberly Brown Mr. Robert K. Brown, Jr. Dr. Shellie D. Brown Mrs. Tanya Brown

Ms. Madison J. Brewster Mrs. Deborah U. Broyles Mrs. Rebecca T. Bruce-Poole Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Bruffey Mrs. Lydia O. Brugh-Henry Mr. Robert L. Brush, lll Brushfork United Methodist Church Mr. Byrd H. Bryan Mrs. Betsy H. Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Ty Bryant Mrs. Joyce G. Buchanan Ms. Melissa Buchanan Buckingham County Christian Fellowship

Ms. Cheri S. Budzinski Mrs. Alexis A. Buford Ms. Gladys L. Bunch Mrs. Frances H. Bundy Mr. Michael Bundy Mr. Thomas J. Bundy, Sr. Ms. Kimberly J. Bundy-Shields Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Burchett Mr. and Mrs. Randy Burchette Mr. Dale Burdette Mr. John D. Burge Mr. F. Joel Burgess Miss Rachel S. Burk Ms. Linda A. Burke Ms. Melissa Burke Mr. and Mrs. W. Robert Burke Mr. William J. Burke Mrs. Judith A. Burkholder Ms. Louise E. Burks Mr. Joseph W. Burleson Mr. Steven W. Burnett Mr. and Mrs. Clifton C. Burnette Mr. Jacob D. Burcham Mr. Mark W. Burcham


Mrs. Constance Clark Mrs. Janice I. Clark Mrs. Lesley G. Clark Ms. Sharon Clark Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Clark

Ms. Angela Carter Ms. Cathy P. Carter



Mr. and Mrs. William J. Clark, III Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Clarke Ms. Alice Clary Dr. Henry W. Clary Mr. Martin Clary Mr. Samuel Clary Mr. and Mrs. Roger Clatterbuck Dr. Gerald E. Clay Clay Center Mr. and Mrs. Cameron W. Clement Mrs. Elizabeth L. Clement Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Clement Clinch Valley Medical Center Mr. Joshua and Dr. Peyton Cline Mr. and Mrs. Tanner Cline Mrs. Jessica R. Williams Ms. Barbara M. Cloninger Coastal Association Management, Inc. Mr. Frank Folsom Coates, III Mr. Timothy A. Coates Mr. Brad Cobb Mr. Chris Cobb Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas C. Cockerham Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Coffey Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Coffman Mr. and Mrs. John W. Coggsdale III Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Cole Mr. Scott Cole Mr. and Mrs. William P. Cole, III Cole Family Foundation Ms. Nancy S. Collins Mr. Russell E. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Collinsworth Community Foundation of the Virginias, Inc. Mrs. Patricia R. Compton Mr. Phill J. Compton Rev. Stafford L. Compton Mrs. Suzanne Compton Mr. and Mrs. Marcus J. Conklin Mrs. Tiana Conklin CONNcert Music World, Inc. Mrs. Carol W. Conner Mr. and Mrs. E. Wayne Conner Ms. Sarah Conrad Mrs. Elizabeth H. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Dee L. Coleman College Avenue Baptist Church

Ms. Nancy H. Cooke Mr. Baerbel Cooks Ms. Grace A. Cooper Ms. Kristina Cooper Mr. Rick W. Cooper

Mrs. Martha R. Cundiff Mr. and Mrs. David A. Cunningham Mrs. Pamela K. Curran Mrs. Anne C. Currin Mr. and Mrs. George F. Curtis Mr. and Mrs.Thomas C. Cutler Cuz's Cabins & Restaurant, Inc. Ms. Roberta Cyr Mr. Ernestine C. Dalton Dr. John C. Dalton Mr. and Mrs. Garry Damron Mr. Danny J. Daniels, Jr. Ms. Valerie A. Daniels Ms. Jennifer Daraio Ms. Margaret Daraio Mrs. Patricia Claiborne Darwin Ms. Ranea Daughtery Mrs. Sheila A. Daughtry Davenport & Company, LLC David Bailey Associates Ms. Angela L. Davidson Mr. J. Michael Davidson Ms. Nancy D. Davidson Mr. Charles Whedbee and Mrs. Elizabeth Davidson-Whedbee Mr. and Mrs. F. Gregory Davis Mr. Larry D. Davis Rev. and Mrs. Lee R. Davis Mrs. Leta M. Davis Mr. and Mrs. William D. Day, III DCI Property Management, LLC DCI/Shires, Inc. Ms. Shirley K. De Roco Ms. Natalie de Rojas Ms. Anna Maria De Cheke Mrs. LeAnn Deel Mrs. Stephanie H. Deel Deliverance Temple Church Mr. John B. Dellis, Jr. Deloitte & Touche LLP Deloitte Foundation Ms. Beth Delp Dr. and Mrs. Denos C. Demopoulos Mrs. Emmy K. Dennison Ms. Lydia Depledge Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Descak Ms. Loretta DeToma Ms. Carol G. Cutler Mr. Joseph H. Cutler Mr. and Mrs. Luke A. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Victor L. Davis Mr. William H. Davis

Mrs. Cynthia F. Copolo Mr. Luiz Cesar Coradi Dr. and Mrs. Joshua S. Cornett Cornwell Bireley Family Charitable Trust Mr. Miguel Angel Correa Mr. Mirto A. Corte Mr. Blaine C. Cosgro Mr. Alex Costa Council of Independent Colleges Country Tonite Theatre Ms. Gabrielle E. Courtney Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Courtney, Jr. Judge Kenneth M. Covington Mrs. Sharon M. Cowe Mr. and Mrs. Ewin F. Cowley

Ms. Cheryl A. Cox Mr. Christian Cox Mr. Fred Cox Ms. Linda H. Cox Mrs. Linda S. Cox

Mrs. Samantha M. Cox Ms. Linda S. Crabtree Dr. Ryan D. Craddock Mrs. Brenda Craft Ms. Kathy Craft

Mrs. Leanna J. Craig Mrs. Lois C. Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Creasy Mr. David R. Creecy, V Ms. Jeanne E. Creecy Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Creel Dr. Edward C. Crews Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Crews Mr. Jason S. Criss

Mrs. Nancy L. Crockett Mr. Nathan M. Cronk Mr. Robert L. Crotts Mr. Barry E. Crotty Mrs. Nancy Crowder Ms. Amy Cruff


Mr. and Mrs. W. Alvin Cruise Dr. Yosely K. Cruz-Fernandez Mr. Drake K. Cullens Mr. and Mrs. James "JJ" Cullens Ms. Stephanie Cumpston

Mrs. Emily D. Cook Mrs. Janet C. Cook Mrs. J. Nikki Cook Cook JTB, Inc.



DFG Financial Group LLC Miss Samantha K. Dickens

Ms. L. Carol Earhart Mr. Brian Easley East River Baptist Association Mrs. Mary H. Easter Ms. Carol L. Eaton EDC Edgemont Baptist Church Mr. Peter J. Edgette Mr. and Mrs. Jerry F. Edmonds Dr. C. Drew Edwards Mr. Derryn Edwards Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Edwards Dr. T. Keith Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Egas Mrs. Cynthia Y. Elliott Mrs. Darlene S. Elliott Ms. Courtney L. Ellis Mr. and Mrs. William E. Ellis, Jr. Mrs. Marcialyn A. Ellis-Miller Dr. Kenneth Z. Ellison Mr. and Mrs. David J. Elswick Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Embrey, Jr. Emmanuel Baptist Church Empire Distributors Mr. and Mrs. Shawn M. Enochs Enterprise Holdings Foundation Mr. Peter M. Esala Estate of Fred L. Troy Estate of Helen M. Ayres Estate of Ida Jean Tyer Irrevocable Admin. Trust Estate of Jean H. Bane Estate of John and Lois Taylor Estate of Leroy Mabe Ms. Alva Enberg Encova Insurance Ms. Doris H. Eggleston El Patio Mexican Grille Ms. Barbara J. Elder Ms. Hallie A. Elder Dr. Connie D. Elkins Mr. Bobby Edward Elliott, Jr.

ExxonMobil Foundation Mrs. Nancy L. Fairchild Far East PK Scholarship Foundation Mr. Robert C. Farley, Jr. Dr. Kimberly D. Farmer, Esquire Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Farmer Mr. Jarrid Farrington Mr. Robert R. Farris Father's House International Church Mr. Gilmer D. Fauber, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ben B. Faulkner Mrs. Linda M. Faulkner Mrs. Sarah H. Fawley Mr. Bruce E. Fein Fellowship Baptist Church Mrs. Jean S. Felts Mr. and Mrs. Beau A. Fernandez Mr. and Mrs. John N. Ferree, Jr. Mr. Kenneth D. Ferris Mr. and Mrs. John F. Fick, III Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fife Fincastle Mr. Gary A. Fincher Mr. Lamont I. Finley, ll First Baptist Church of Bluefield First Baptist Church of Richmond First Christian Church of Princeton, WV First Community Bank Mrs. Teresa M. Fish Mrs. Cathy S. Fisher Ms. Sarah D. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Fitzgerald Ms. Couri C. Fleet Mr. Joshua Flinchum Ms. Jacqueline Flores Dr. and Mrs. Marshall E. Flowers, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Fogg Ms. Trina Folden Mrs. Diana K. Foley Food City of Bluefield, Virginia

Dr. Jerry Lee Dickerson Mrs. Judith L. Dierkes Dr. Bonny K. Dillon Mr. and Mrs. Shayne Dillon Rev. and Mrs. Joseph E. Dillon Ms. Kathy Dimick Directorz Cut Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Disilva, Jr. Dissinger Reed, LLC Mrs. Caroline D. Dixon Mr. Steve O. Dixon Mr. Tom Slippy and Mrs. Martha Dodd-Slippy Miss Christalyn R. Doig Mr. Larry J. Doig Mr. William M. Dolinger Dollywood Dominion Energy Charitable Foundation Donald H. McGlory Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. J. Ben Donevant, lll

Mr. Danny Dorsey Mr. Dennis Dorton Mr. and Mrs. James D. Doss

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Douglas Mr. and Mrs. William G. Douglas, Jr. Douglas Equipment Mr. and Mrs. Derrill E. Douthat Mr. Patrick K. Downey

Ms. Debra Downs Mr. Travis Downs Mr. Tom Doyle

Draper Valley Golf Club Duchess Dairy Products Ms. Nicole V. Duckett Dudley Memorial Mortuary

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Duff, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil L. Dunn, Jr. Miss Dorothy G. Dunn Rev. and Mrs. James W. Dunn Mr. Keith J. Dunn Drs. Generoso D. and Janelle B. Duremdes Mr. Eric P. Duron Dr. and Mrs. Michael R. DuVal Dr. Charles M. Dwan Mrs. Dada T. Dye E. Thomas Arington Family Foundation

Mrs. Janet C. Ford Mr. Stephen B. Ford Ford's Colony Country Club Mrs. Joyce B. Foreman Forest Park Country Club


Estate of Sharon J. Knick Estate of Violet Mae Meade Estate of W. Paul Cole, Jr. Ethel Martin Kidd Fund

Ms. Barbara R. Forrest Mrs. Betty C. Forrest Ms. Cathy D. Forrest Mr. Tim W. Forrest Mr. and Mrs. Cameron L. Forrester Fort Chiswell Animal Park Mr. and Mrs. Garrel P. Forth

Ethel N. Bowen Foundation, Inc. Ethic Grounds Management, LLC Ms. Dana Etter

Mr. Richard W. Eades Mr. Eugene M. Eanes Mr. William S. Eanes

Ms. Julie N. Etter Ms. Carolyn Evans Ms. Emily Evans



Mr. and Mrs. Bryan P. Frazier Mr. and Mrs. William C. Frazier Fredeking/Stafford Construction Company, Inc. Mrs. Lois Freeman Mr. and Mrs. James T. French Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Frey, Jr. Mr. Brian J. Fritzinger Mr. and Mrs. Glenn W. Fritzinger Ms. Michelle G. Froeschle Ms. Lelia A. Fry Mr. Robert Wood Fugate Ms. Amy Fuller Mr. David Gable Ms. Victoria Gable Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Gabrielson Mr. Walter N. Gainer, II Mr. and Mrs. Don A. Gallamore Ms. Heather Gardner Ms. Helen P. Garrett Mrs. Ila F. Garrett Dr. and Mrs. Michael D. Garrett Mr. Ernest L. Gary GBS Fence Company General Electric Fund Mr. and Mrs. Charles Genga Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Gentry Mr. Morgan R. George George M. Cruise Charitable Foundation Ms. Teresa K. George and Mr. Richard Wall Gethsemane Baptist Church Dr. Mark Gettle Mr. David W. French, Jr. Ms. Deborah A. French Mr. and Mrs. Todd L. Gary Mr. Timothy C. Gasperson Dr. Harold D. Gibson Mr. Loomis H. Gibson Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Gibson Ms. Scharlotte R. Gibson GigaBeam Networks, LLC Mr. David W. Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. Franz E. Gilbert Mrs. Barbara M. Gillespie Ms. Lucinda L. Gillespie Mrs. Marilyn Barr Gillespie Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Gilliam Mr. and Mrs. William N. Gilmer, Jr.

Mr. James W. Godsey Rev. James B. Godwin, Sr. Dr. James M. Godwin, III Mr. Steven Gomez Drs. Larry and Ellen Goode Mr. Mark W. Goodin Mr. Andrew W. Goodman Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Goodman Mrs. Sara E. Goodson Goodsons Supermarkets, Inc. Mr. Donald D. Goodwin Goody's of Wytheville, VA Mr. Mark W. Gordon Mr. Tanner B. Gordon Mr. Eric D. Graetzer Mr. and Mrs. Richard Graf Lieutenant and Mrs. Kelly F. Graham Ms. Sarah R. Graham Mrs. Shirley A. Graham Mr. Alvaro Grande Grandfather Mountain Ms. Kelly S. Grant Grant's Supermarket Ms. Jeanefer C. Grantham Mr. Raymond J. Graver Mrs. Glenna S. Gray Mr. James A. Gray, Jr. Mrs. Laura L. Gray Mr. Andy Green Green Valley Bowling Center Mr. and Mrs. Dennis O. Greene Mr. Kevin G. Greene Mr. and Mrs. Alfred R. Greenwood Ms. Ellen M. Greer Mr. Robert W. Greer Dr. Bobby F. Griffin Ms. Lauren Griffin Mr. Russell S. Griffin Ms. Valerie Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Clark D. Griffith Ms. Julie G. Griggs Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W. Grimes, II Mrs. Iva L. Grimes Dr. Charles R. Green Mrs. Rhoda J. Green

Mr. and Mrs. Joshua T. Grubb Mr. and Mrs. Raul A. Grumberg Mr. Michael P. Gullion Ms. Marva Gumbs Dr. Charles G. Gunn, Jr. Mr. John A. Gunter Mrs. Karen R. Gunter Mr. Stanley Gunter Mr. and Mrs. David A. Gutowski Mr. Michael H. Gutu H & H Enterprises H. Coleman and Janet Goodman Family Foundation Ms. Amy R. Haberlein Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hadden Mr. and Mrs. Lowell B. Haga Ms. Lisa D. Hager Rev. and Mrs. Rodney J. Hale Mr. and Mrs. Shawn P. Haley Mr. William C. Haley, Jr. Rev. and Mrs. Benjamin L. Hall Dr. Cline E. Hall Mr. J. Timothy Hall Mr. M. E. Marty Hall, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Timothy Hall Rev. and Mrs. Ronald C. Hall Mrs. Shirley A. Hall Mr. Tony B. Hall Mr. and Mrs. J. Renis Hallford Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Halliday Mrs. April R. Halsey Mr. and Mrs. David A. Halstead Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy L. Halstead Mr. and Mrs. Rodney L. Hamblin Mr. Malik Hamili Mr. and Mrs. David R. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Hamilton Mrs. Eugenia H. Hancock Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Hancock Mr. Ronchez L. Hancock Mrs. Patricia A. Setzer Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Haner Mr. Thomas Eli Hairfield Mrs. Rachel E. Hairston Mr. Byron H. Hale Mr. Robert E. Hale


Ms. Anne B. Grimmer Mr. Anton E. Groff, Jr. Ms. Irene M. Groff

Hanging Rock Golf Club Mrs. Patricia S. Hankins Mrs. Betty B. Hanks Mrs. Patricia B. Harbuck Mr. Austin Hardin Mr. Kevin D. Harding

Mrs. Patricia C. Grogan Mr. R. Roger Groover Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Gross Mrs. Kellie C. Grove

Mrs. Rosa L. Gilmore Mr. William J. Gilroy Mrs. Louise Rae K. Gloeckler



Mr. and Mrs. Brad Hardman Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Hardy Mrs. Janice L. Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Kris C. Hardy Ms. Linda Hardy Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hardy, Jr. Mr. David N. Harker Rev. & Mrs. B. Louis Harlow, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. C. Dale Harman Mr. Sydney F. Harman Ms. Diana L. Harmon Mr. and Mrs. James T. Harmon Mrs. Jan M. Harmon Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Harper Rev. Paul M. Harper Mr. Tom Harper Mrs. Jeri K. Harris Mr. John B. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Marion H. Harris Mr. Max Harris Dr. and Mrs. Michael P. Harris Ms. Sheila A. Harris Ms. Tamela A. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Harrison Mr. Joel E. Harrison Mrs. Hazel J.B. Harrod Harry P. Clause, Jr. Marital Trust Mr. and Mrs. Lance M. Hart Mr. Robert L. Hart Mr. Robert M. Hart Dr. Tracy L. Hartman Ms. Melissa G. Hartness Mr. and Mrs. James C. Harvey Harvey W. Peters Research Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Haseley Mr. and Mrs. David D. Hash, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. H. Vaughn Hastings Ms. Margaret C. Hatcher Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Hatcher, Jr. Hatfield - McCoy Regional Recreation Authority Mr. Jacob H. Hattan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Havens Ms. Anna Hawkins Mr. Michael R. Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Hawks, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mark Hawks

Mr. Kendall B. Haynes Dr. Harold P. Hazen Headquarters 310th Command Association Mr. Theodore G. Heartley Ms. Jean Heatley Mr. and Mrs. Don B. Heckman Mr. Timothy P. Hegerich

Historic Crab Orchard Museum & Pioneer Park Dr. David A. Hite Mr. Yaroslav I. Hnatusko

Ms. Barbara F. Hobbs Mr. David W. Hobbs Ms. Kimberly R. Hobbs Ms. Stella J. Hockett Mr. Mandy Holbrook Ms. Kasey M. Holcomb Mr. Arthur L. Holland, Jr. Ms. Stephanie D. Holliday

Heilman Realty, LLC Dr. Abigail R. Heiniger

Ms. Barbara Heino Mr. David J. Heino

Mr. Paul Heino Ms. Sonja Heino Mr. and Mrs. Marshall S. Helm Mr. Mark S. Helms Mr. Paul E. Helsel Mr. John T. Helton Mr. and Mrs. Ebonie Henderson Ms. Myrtle G. Henderson Mr. Roger L. Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Joe H. Hendricks, Jr. Mr. Rafiq A. Henry Mr. Harry W. Henthorn Mr. Richard A. Herman Mr. Antonio Herrera Ms. Colleen Herrera Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Hess Ms. Phyllis M. Hester Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hicks Mr. J.C. Higginbotham Ms. Allison T. Higgins Dr. William T. Higgins Highland Creek Golf Club Highlands Fellowship Ms. Amy Hightower Trust Under the Will of Mr. Ronald and Mrs. Nancy Hicks Rev. and Mrs. Stanley S. Hicks, Jr.

Ms. Kendra Holloway Mrs. Glenda C. Holt Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Holtzer Mrs. Carol R. Holtzman Mr. and Mrs. Marc S. Holyfield Homer's Parts and Accessories Mrs. Betty Sue Honaker Mr. Michael W. Honaker Dr. Thomas A. Honaker Mr. Tommy O. Hondros Mrs. Jane F. Honeycutt Mr. William E. Honeycutt Mr. and Mrs. D. Joshua Hood Horizon Foundation Mr. Jim L. Horn Mrs. Jacqueline W. Hornsby Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Houck Mr. Shawn R. Howell Mr. W. Merle Howell Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Howie Mrs. Natalie S. Hrovatic Mr. and Mrs. D. Leon Hubbard, Jr. Mr. Charles M. Hubbard Miss A. Sara Hubble Mr. and Mrs. William W. Huber Mr. Thomas W. Huddleston Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hudson Hugh I. Shott, Jr. Foundation Mrs. Cheri Y. Hughes Mr. James C. C. Hughes Mr. Joseph T. Hughes Mr. Simon Hughes Ms. Doana R. Humphreys Mr. O. Randolph Humphreys, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Humphreys Mrs. Denise M. Houser Mrs. Becky B. Howard Mr. David W. Howell Mr. Doug Howell Ms. Elizabeth W. Decker

Beatrice L. Hill Mr. Jerry D. Hill Mr. Mario Hill


Rev. Clarence W. Hilling Mr. Rolfe L. Hillman, III

Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Hilse Mr. and Mrs. David C. Hinkle Mr. Michael Hinkley, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Hinnant Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Hipes Mr. Bill Hirai Mr. and Mrs. David Hirschfeld Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hirschfeld

Mrs. Janice H. Hawks Mr. Stephen W. Hawks Ms. Jamie J. Hayden Mrs. Melissa O. Haye Mrs. Susan R. Haymore



Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hunt, Jr. Ms. Janika Hunt Mr. Jeffrey S. Hunt Ms. Priscilla M. Hunt Mrs. Deborah H. Hurley The Honorable and Mrs. Jack S. Hurley, Jr. Mrs. Kathy J. Hurley Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Hurley Mr. James A. Hurst Ms. Charlene Hurt Mr. Clarence L. Hurt Mrs. Michele D. Hurt Ms. Suzanne Hutchison Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hutton Mrs. Nell Hylton Mr. and Mrs. John Hyman

Mr. and Mrs. Bartley W. Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. James B. Jenkins Jenzabar Foundation Pastor and Mrs. Allen Jessee Jessie Ball duPont Fund Ms. Kimberly D. Jeter Ms. Amy Jett Joe's Pizza & Subs Mr. E. Axel Johansson Mrs. Aileen H. Johnson Ms. Anita S. Johnson Mr. Christopher R. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Dallas E. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. David A. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Johnson Mrs. Hilary L. Johnson Mr. Isaac A. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Jerry P. Johnson Mrs. Joyce B. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Dick Johnson Mr. Michael D. Johnson Ms. Rita C. Johnson Mr. Rudolph M. Johnson, Jr Mr. Samuel H. Johnson Mr. Christopher S. Johnston Mrs. Joyce J. Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Larry R. Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Johnston Johnston Chapel Baptist Church Joint Base Langley-Eustis Golf Ms. Bessie Jones Mr. C. Goodman Jones, Jr. Ms. Diana M. Jones Dr. and Mrs. Garry I. Jones Mr. Herbert L. Jones Mr. Jeff Jones Mrs. Kathryn H. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Kyle L. Jones, Jr. Mrs. Dona G. Johnson Ms. Dreama C. Johnson Mrs. Lena J. Jones Dr. Paul H. Jones Mr. Richard B. Jones Mr. Ricky E. Jones Mr. Vincent L. Jones Jorge R. Piercy Living Trust Mrs. Priscilla W. Judd Mrs. Carol T. Judkins Mr. and Mrs. James Y. Justice K-VA-T Food Stores, Inc. Mrs. Kathy L. Kade

Mrs. Betty Jo M. Kahle Mr. and Mrs. Constantine T. Kaklis

Mrs. Karen C. Kakol Mrs. Terri Kammer Mr. John Kaplan Mr. Alan Karraker

Mr. and Mrs. Rodney O. Kasey Mr. and Mrs. Jesse C. Kassner Mr. David J. Kaucheck Mr. and Mrs. David C. Kee Ms. Allison M. Keel Ms. Jane Keel Mr. and Mrs. Eric L. Keene Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Keene Mr. John Garrett Keene Mr. V. Hal Keene Keene Carpet Ms. Kelly Keller Mr. Steven J. Kelley Kellum Charitable Fund Kelly Kidd Motor Sports, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Kelshian Ken Chertow Wrestling Camps Ms. Rebekah Kennedy Ms. Delia C. Kersey Mr. and Mrs. David S. Kessler Ms. Abagail R. Key Mr. Jacob R. Key Ms. Vickie S. Kibler Mr. Howard Kichler Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Kidd

Mr. and Mrs. Eddie D. Hypes Mr. and Mrs. J. Ronald Hypes IBM International Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Ingalls Ms. Margaret W. Ingram Investment Planning Advisors, LLC Ira C., Bertha J. Hopkins, and Nancy Hopkins Bryan Trust Fund Ms. Sharon L. Irvin Ms. Rebekah E. Ivester Mr. Terry A. Ivester Mrs. Marriott H. Jackson Mr. Robert L. Jackson Ms. Stacey Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Jacobs, Jr. Ms. Patricia G. Jacobs Commander Paul G. Jaffeux, USAF (Ret.) Ms. Christie Jaggi Ms. Sainabou N. Jallow JAM Family Foundation, Inc.

Mr. Clifton B. Kidd Mrs. Linda L. Kidd

Mr. Richard E. Kidd, Sr. Kidd Communications, Inc. Mrs. Crystal W. Kieloch Mr. Charles E. and Dr. April C. Kilinski Mr. Coyd W. Kimberlin Jr. Mr. Samuel M. Kimzey Ms. Jamie C. Kincer Mr. and Mrs. John M. King

Mr. Robert A. James Mr. Cecil O. Jamison Mr. Daniel P. Janickey Ms. Stephanie K. Jansen Ms. Karen L. Jarrell Mrs. Yvette L. Jarrell

Ms. Kathryn E. King Mrs. Laura M. King King Carter Golf Club Mr. Ronald J. Kinman Mrs. Hilda L. Kinzer Mr. Timothy S. Kirby


Ms. Corrina Jarrett Ms. Cadence Jarvis Mr. Charley Jarvis Mr. Dakota R. Jarvis Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Jarvis Mr. John R. Jarvis, lll Mr. Kenneth Jarvis Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Jeffords Mr. William Q. Jeffords, III

Mr. David W. Kirk Mrs. Shirley A. Kirk Mr. and Mrs. James G. Kiser Mr. Laymon L. Kiser, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Scott L. Kiser



Mrs. Patricia S. Kivett Mrs. Melissa J. Klanecky Ms. Starr T. Klein Ms. Sharon J. Knick Mr. and Mrs. James W. Knowles, Sr. Mrs. Melba Lynne Knox Mr. William R. Knox Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kolb Mr. Jovani L. Konstanty Mr. and Mrs. Calvin L. Koonce Mr. Jason Koonce Mrs. Charlynne Kovach Kraft Foods Foundation Matching Gifts Program Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Kragh Ms. Lezlie A. Kramer Ms. Helga Kraus Mr. Joachim Kraus Mr. Paul Kreklow Kroger Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Krome Mrs. Charlotte A. Krovic Mr. and Mrs. Bernard K. Krull, Sr. Mrs. Celia K. Krull Mr. and Mrs. Todd S. Kupfer Kwik Kafe Company, Inc. La Fiesta Fresh Mexican Grill Mr. Charles C. Lacy Ms. Barbara Lambert Mrs. Mary A. Lambert Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Lambert, IV Ms. Kay Lambeth Mr. C. Nicholas Lambros Mr. Tim Lamey Mr. William Morris Landram Mrs. Alice M. Lane Dr. Damian D. Lane Mrs. Janet B. Lane Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Lane Mr. Robert L. Laney

Mrs. Tonya J. Lawson Mr. and Mrs. Mark Layman Mrs. Miranda B. Layne Mr. Tituoan Le Menec Mrs. Abigail C. Le Roy Rev. E. Nelson Lea Ms. Valeriya Lebedeva Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Ledford Ms. Emily I. Ledford Mr. Edwin G. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Lee Ms. Stacy M. Lee Lee Roy's Ministries Lee's Hill Golf Club Mr. Danny E. Lemon Dr. Paul R. Lemon Mr. and Mrs. Matt W. Lemons Rev. Russell O. Leonard Mr. and Mrs. Dillard R. Lester Mr. Frank G. LeSueur Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation Mr. Jayson Levy Mrs. Betty J. Lewis Dr. Carolyn K. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. James "Bubba" Lewis Mr. Michael Lewis Mr. Vince Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Yongshu Li Mr. and Mrs. William R. Liberty Mrs. Linda H. Light Mrs. Shannon R. Light Mrs. Ann M. Lilly Mr. and Mrs. E. Stephen Lilly Mr. William T. Limbrick Mr. Werner A. Lind Dr. John B. Lindamood Linden Row Inn

Lockheed Martin Corporation Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Loeb Mr. Christopher Loeffelholz London Downs

Dr. Brenda D. Long Ms. Mary K. Long Mr. Neil J. Long Mrs. Jane M. Lookabill Mr. and Mrs. Paul Looney Ms. Rachel A. Looney Mrs. Rachel A. Looney

Louisiana Baptist Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard Louthan Mr. and Mrs. R. Barnes Louthan Love's Travel Stop and Country Stores Mrs. Ann S. Lovingood Mr. and Mrs. L. Scott Lovitt Lowe's Commercial Services Ms. Clarissa L. Lowery Mr. Kenneth L. Lowery Ms. Robin R. Lowery Dr. Rebecca S. Lowry Mr. Charles D. Lucas Mrs. Joan O. Luebehusen Mr. L. Todd Lumadue Mrs. Vicky Lumpp Ms. Cynthia M. Lunsford Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Lunsford Mr. and Mrs. Dewey G. Lusk, IV Mr. and Mrs. Dewey G. Lusk, III Ms. Maryland Lusk Dr. E. F. Pat Magann Mr. Thomas N. Magee Mrs. Norma D. Mahood-Bay Ms. Patsy L. Maiolo Mr. Patrick R. Malamisura Ms. Jennifer Mallea Ms. Melody S. Mangum Manly Memorial Baptist Church Mr. and Mrs. Adrienne R. Mann Ms. Mary W. Mann Mr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Mann Rev. and Mrs. Jack A. Marcom, Jr. Marine Chemist Inspections, Inc. Mrs. Margarite Lynch M & P Fitness, LLC Ms. Angela Machuca Dr. and Mrs. Daniel G. MacMillan Mrs. Suzanne C. MacNaughton The Honorable and Mrs. John J. Maddux

Ms. Audrea Lindsay Mr. Larry D. Lindsey Dr. Gene T. Lineberry Mr. Gary A. Linkous

Mr. Trocey A. Laney, Jr. Mr. J. Sidney Lanier, Jr.

Mr. Melvin Lee Linkous, Jr. Mr. Nelson J. Linkous, Jr. Ms. Nichole M. Linzy, RN Lions Club of Bluefield, WV Mr. Daniel Lipovac Mr. and Mrs. Allen Little Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Little, Jr. Rev. and Mrs. William L. Lively


Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Lantz, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David T. Larimer, II Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Larsen

Mrs. Wilma M. Larsen Mrs. April D. Lavelle Lawrence Brothers, Inc.

Mrs. Doris J. Laws Ms. Andrea Lawson Dr. and Mrs. Christopher E. Lawson Mr. Donald F. Lawson

Mr. Morgan Lloyd Ms. Ellen Lockhart Mr. James T. Lockhart

Mr. Josh Markowicz Ms. Trena E. Marrs


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