2020 Convention

2020-R.2 Redesignation of Congregation Status WHEREAS, by letter dated May 22, 2019, the Bishop of the Diocese notified St. Andrew’s, Clifton Forge that he was initiating an inquiry under Canon 17 of the Canons of the Diocese based upon concerns about the continued viability of the congregation as a self-sustaining entity; and WHEREAS, the initiation of this inquiry was preceded by discussions with the remaining members and vestry of St. Andrew’s, Clifton Forge, regarding available options based on the conditions existing in the parish for some substantial period of time; and WHEREAS, the vestry and members of St. Andrew’s Clifton Forge, agree that one or more of the conditions set out in Canon 17, Section 4 of the Canons of the Diocese exist in the Parish; and WHEREAS, the Bishop, with the concurrence of the Standing Committee, subsequently declared St. Andrew’s, Clifton Forge to be a Challenged Parish under Canon 17, Section 3 of the Canons of the Diocese; and WHEREAS, on June 26, 2019, the Standing Committee of the Diocese gave the Bishop its consent to convert St. Andrews, Clifton Forge from a Parish to a Mission in accordance with Canon 17, Section 5(f) of the Canons of the Diocese and on that same day the Bishop then declared St. Andrew’s, Clifton Forge to be a Mission; and WHEREAS, Canon 17, Section 5(f) of the Canons of the Diocese provides that, notwithstanding the Bishop’s declaration, “the final declaration of Mission status shall be subject to ratification by the affirmative vote of the next Annual Convention occurring 60 days or more after the declaration;” and WHEREAS, the wardens, vestry, and remaining members of St. Andrew’s, Clifton Forge, desire re-designation as a Mission in order to more fully avail the congregation of the resources and leadership of the Bishop, the Standing Committee, and the Diocesan staff in addressing the life and ministry of the congregation;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the 101 st Annual Convention of the Diocese of Southwestern Virginia ratifies the Bishop’s declaration redesignating St. Andrew’s, Clifton Forge, as a Mission and formally redesignates St. Andrew’s, Clifton Forge as a Mission.


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