2020 Convention


The Rev. Canon Mark Furlow, Non-Parochial Over the past ten years, I have served as a priest in Southwestern Virginia in a variety of capacities: parish consultant, interim assistant, college minister, sabbatical replacement, rector, Canon Missioner, and Canon to the Ordinary. In 2018, I attended General Convention as a Deputy from DioSWVA and served on the Committee on Governance and Structure. This past year, I was appointed by the Presiding Bishop as Chair of the Worship Committee for General Convention 2021. My ministry experience in all of these capacities both pastorally and administratively has given me unique insights into the Church and has allowed me to more effectively engage the challenges that lie front of our community.

The Rev. Karin MacPhail, St. Elizabeth, Roanoke I am a graduate of the University of Texas and Virginia Theological Seminary, and I was ordained in 2004. Before coming to Roanoke in 2015, I served in parish ministry in Charlottesville and Millwood, both in the Diocese of Virginia. I was called to St. Elizabeth's in 2017, and have enjoyed serving this parish and in this diocese for the past two years. I currently serve the Diocese of Southwestern Virginia on the Commission on Ministry and on the boards of Trustees of the Funds and the Southwestern Virginia Episcopal Fund. I have great love for the Episcopal Church and care very much for the health and future of our particular way of walking Jesus's Way of Love. I am deeply honored to be nominated to serve as a General Convention deputy, and I hope you will entrust me with that responsibility.


Kathy Evans, St. Thomas, Abingdon Kathy Evans is a Project Manager who graduated from Sewanee with a degree in Psychology. Her love for the Episcopal Church and passion for people give her the ability to listen deeply both to members of the clergy and to its parishioners, helping her to make better decisions while promoting the Jesus Movement. 6KH EHJDQ VHUYLQJ DW 6W. 6WHSKHQ¶V ESLVFRSDO CKXUFK, LQ ODN 5LGJH 7HQQHVVHH, DV D

Cristal Beirne, Emmanuel, Covington While I am just eight years into my journey with my Episcopal family, I have served Emmanuel Covington in many capacities including currently serving on the vestry, secretary to vestry, current treasurer of ECW, lay delegate to annual convention for three years now, Officiant, Lay Reader, Chalicer and Torch Bearer . I have a strong desire to do more and learn all I can to help. Thank you for having faith in me to nominate me for such an important role. If elected, I will do all I can to serve you proudly. God bless.

Sharon Davis, Grace Memorial, Lynchburg I am currently Junior Warden for Grace. I owned my own computer company for 10 years. I taught computer software programs, building computers, programming and taught at Central Virginia Community College. With this background I feel I can be a benefit by listening, doing and following through.


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