2018 Summer Sneak Peak


Exfoliate Naturally for Healthy, Glowing Skin Our collection of natural ingredients offers different levels of exfoliation, from gentle to aggressive. In addition to their excellent exfoliating properties, they detoxify, balance, and soothe when added to your treatment recipes.

Marine Algae Salt Blend of algae and sea salts is ideal for a nourishing exfoliation treatment. 1 gal. ESH132 $43.75 Organic Sugar Cane Crystals Less aggressive than salt. 1 lb. SP177 $2.95

Himalayan Salts These salts contain more minerals than any other. 10 lbs. C3530 $24.50 Fine Great Salt Lake Salts Help heal, detoxify, balance, and nourish skin. 11.1 lb. SP173 $23.95

Dead Sea Salt Crystals Perfect for salt glow treatments and hydrotherapy. 9.48 lb. ESP912 $42.00 Epsom Salts Help ease sore muscles. 11.1 lb. SP156 $28.95

French Sea Salts Pure salts from the Brittany marshes. 4 oz.

ESH131 $3.30 ESH130 $30.00

1 gal.

universalcompanies.com/ Protocols LEARN Learn how to use Spa Pantry ingredients in your treatments.

Extend Treatment Benefits with Spa Pantry ® Clays & Muds

Body Mud Blend Seaweed paste and natural botanical extracts hydrate and detoxify in body masks and wraps. 1 gal. ESH133 $103.95 4 oz. Pouch ESH134 $5.55

Sedona Mud

This clay from the Southwest is rich iron and is ideal for detoxifying. 1 gal. ESH128 $112.00 4 oz. ESH129 $5.55

Canadian Moor Mud

Dead Sea Mud

Pure Canadian peat moor mud is ideal for baths and body wraps to purify and remineralize the skin. 11 lbs. SP167 $95.95

A blend of natural minerals and salts, this velvety mud purifies and detoxifies while remineralizing the skin. Body Mud/9.9 lb.

ESP910 $94.00 Powdered Mud/9.9 lb. ESP918 $96.00

White Clay Powder This mild, noncomedogenic clay gently exfoliates and cleanses dry, sensitive skin. 5 lb. SP278 $26.95

Canadian Moor Mud

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