2018 National Convention Program
National President Elect Larry W. Cassell 4217 Springview Court Jefferson, MD 21755 Phone: (301) 834-8709 Cell: (240) 344-2217 Email: pappapcass@comcast.net
CLUB: Joined Jefferson Ruritan Club, Jefferson MD in 1978; served as Secretary 1979-81; 1987-2001; 2006-present; served as Vice President 1982; President 1983; voted Ruritan Couple of the Year 1991; Ruritan of the Year 2001; served as Newsletter Editor and Publicity/PR Chair. DISTRICT: Served as District Secretary 2008-12; District Lt. Gov. 2013; District Governor 2014; Publicity/PR Committee Chair 2008-present; District Newsletter Editor 2008-15; Golf Tournament Co-chair2013-present; workshop leader at District Conventions. NATIONAL: National Director 2015-present; Publicity/Public Relations Committee 2015-present (current chair); Sgt at Arms Committee (National Conventions 2013/2014); Leadership Conference 2013-2017; Workshop Leader (Leadership Conference 2015/2016; National Conventions 2014/2017); Tom Downing Fellow; Ruritan Forever; National Director of the Year 2016; Attended first National Convention in 1983 and numerous others during subsequent years. EDUCATION: Middletown High School, Middletown, MD; Salisbury University (B.S. Elementary Education; Mr. SSC / Circle K); Shippensburg State University (Master’s Degree, Curriculum & Instruction); Johns Hopkins University / University of Maryland (60+ hours) continuing education. OCCUPATION: Frederick County Public Schools, Frederick, MD (1969-2004: Elementary classroom teacher / Middle School VP & Principal / Elementary School Principal; County Administration and Supervision Personnel Association President (charter president); MD State Elementary School Principals’ Association
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