2018 National Convention Program
National President’s Message Welcome to Charleston!
Dear Ruritan family and guests, WELCOME to Charleston, SC. and YOUR 87th Ruritan National Convention. First Lady Linda and I are excited that you have joined us here to take care of official Ruritan business, recognize and honor our
veterans, show respect for our flag, show reverence to our God, and celebrate our successes of 2017. Your Convention Committee and National Office Staff have been working hard to assure that this will be a National Convention that we all will be proud of and have fun attending. Please take part in the planned activities, develop new friendships, and attend workshops to learn new ideas to take back with you. If you see someone wearing a «first timers» green ribbon, please make them feel welcomed so they will want to attend future conventions. Thank you for giving us the honor, privilege, and opportunity to be the leaders of the greatest organization anywhere. We were able to see firsthand the good works you do in and for your communities in the name of Ruritan. May God continue to bless Ruritan and the deeds performed by Ruritans. Remember: TOGETHER WE AFFECT CHANGE, Because We Believe In Ruritan! Again, Linda and I welcome you to Charleston, SC, the “Holy City” and the home of the PINEAPPLE as the symbol of WELCOME! 2017 National President and First Lady, Danny and Linda Privott
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