2018 National Convention Program
2018 Convention Memories Order your CD of 2018 Convention candid photos – including award presentation pictures – from the Registration Booth for $16 (includes postage), or contact Ruritan National (toll-free at 877-787-8727) after the convention. CDs will be shipped in 4-6 weeks. Cell Phones, Beepers, and Other Devices Please be courteous to presenters and fellow attendees. Turn off or silence your cell phone, beeper, or other electronic devices while in educational and plenary sessions. Announcements If you need an announcement to be made from the podium during a meeting or meal, please complete the Announcement form available at Registration or at them Ruritan Information Booth and bring it to the Ruritan Information Booth. Welcome First Time Convention Attendees First time attendees at our National Convention are wearing a GREEN RIBBON on their convention badge. Please make them feel welcome. Recognize our Military Veterans Ruritan military veterans attending this convention are wearing ribbons on their name badges designating their branch of service. Take a minute to thank them for the freedoms we enjoy today. If you are a veteran and you don’t have a ribbon, you may get one at the Registration Counter.
16 2018 Commemorative Program
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