2018 National Convention Program
Rule 5. Certification: Each Convention delegate shall be certified only one time. Each certified delegate will be allowed only one (1) vote on all matters before the National Convention. Rule 6. Conduct of Delegates During the business meetings, delegates should, to the extent possible, be seated and keep the aisles clear. All cell phones and/or other types of electronic devices shall either be turned off or placed in a silent mode. Rule 7. Nominations for Office Nominations for each office to be filled by the convention shall be limited to one nomination speech of two minutes each. Rule 8. Voting: All voting shall be held in accordance with the Bylaws of Ruritan National. The total number of votes for any office will be the number of votes recorded by the vote counting machine. Rule 9. National Bylaws Amendments: a) All proposed amendments to the Ruritan National Bylaws shall be referred to the Convention Bylaws Committee. b) Any active Ruritan member may present proposed changes to the Bylaws of Ruritan National to the Convention Bylaws Committee. The member shall provide the committee with six (6) copies of each proposed change. c) At a business session before the official vote, time shall be allowed for discussion of proposed Bylaws changes identified on the ballot. Rule 10. Convention Resolutions: a) All proposed Convention Resolutions shall be referred to the Convention Resolutions Committee.
11 2018 Commemorative Program
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