2018 Community Resource Guide

Employment, Financial, & Legal Services Employment Programs People Incorporated Workforce Development Program 1173 West Main St., Abingdon VA 24210 http://www.peopleinc.net/ Connects individuals to employment, new skills training, and higher education through innovative initiatives that serve workers, job seekers, and employers to enhance the productivity and prosperity of the communities in which we live. One-Stop Career Centers provide adults age 18 and over with workforce preparation, talent development service, and job placement. Connections with GED preparation, continuing education and employment placement services are also provided. People Incorporated Workforce Development Program—Dislocated Worker Program http://www.peopleinc.net/ This program is designed to meet employer needs by helping job seekers upgrade skills, obtain employment, improve job retention, and increase earnings. The program offers employment and training programs for eligible workers who are unemployed through no fault of their own or have received an official layoff notice. People Incorporated Workforce Development Program—Youth Workforce Investment Act http://www.peopleinc.net/ Education, training, and employment opportunities for youth ages 14 through 21 are designed to eliminate the multiple barriers to employment for low-income youth. The program develops skilled workers with flexibility to adapt to changing demands of local economies. People Incorporated Workforce Development Program—Adult Workforce Investment Act http://www.peopleinc.net/

Virginia Employment Commission http://www.vec.virginia.gov/bristol 1-866-832-2363- Claims #, 192 Bristol East Rd., Bristol VA 276-642-7350 P.O. Box 1850, Richlands, VA 276-964-4007 Screening, testing, training, counseling, and classifications of workers for job referral and placement. Migrant and seasonal farm workers assistance, automated job matching, and administration of employment insurance benefits. People Incorporated Community Services Program— Virginia Community Action Re-Entry Solution 276-623-9000 1173 West Main St., Abingdon VA 24210 http://www.peopleinc.net/ Virginia CARES helps ex-offenders and their families make the transition from prison to life in the community. Services include pre-release life skills, post- release referrals to community service providers, and help in securing employment.


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