As I watched the puzzling, secretive creature, the small leaf
blew over to the puddle. It did not land, but began to dance. It
danced and danced across the puddle. It swirled, it dipped. It
twirled, and it spiraled up, up and up. As it danced, the puddle
danced. The creature under the mound of wood chips met the
leaf, and followed it as it skimmed across the puddle. When the
leaf changed direction, the creature changed direction. As the
leaf circled, the creature circled.
Suddenly, as the leaf twirled and spiraled higher, the
mound burst forth and erupted in a spray of wood chips. For
one brief, magical moment, the wood chips danced and flew with
the leaf. It was an amazing sight to behold. There was no crea-
No mouse.
No rat.
No snake.
No fish.
It was the awesome power of the wind as it danced and
swirled across the puddle.
I went home amazed at the power of the invisible wind,
and how the human eye and mind can be tricked by what it
sees…and believes.
The End
Rebecca is a Speech and
Hearing specialist with Car-
roll County Public Schools,
with a love for the mysteries
of nature.