
The Indians’ Manas Raymond Neely The indians’ manas reside in the seoul of the atmosphere, as though freshly left, as though they recently departed, in the haze and with the sharpness of the eye when I stare into the mountain horizon with the coming of cold, in the rocks and trees.

They gather as the circle of a herd in the icy fog and fur is of the wolf. The squaw and the infant cry behind the log, and the warrior raises the liver of the deer, of this tribe I seem a seer and the hawk screeches in my dreams. Breathe In (Part One) Janan Perkins She is humble, and she is strong She is dedicated, and she is wrong but her mind goes beyond the boxes it can consume She dislikes walking on the beach, because as the breeze caresses her soul, and her feet; the sand she goes back to December as she stands in April with its showers hov- ering her spirit. She regurgitated all of her lessons, but she would actually like to clean up her messes. She confronts people who declare no or go and row your boat back where it came from because you don’t belong here. So she stands, as she bombards herself with spears, and she exclaims “There has got to be a way out of here!” 70

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