a horse that had golden eyes with the biggest pupils ever. The man
suddenly jumped on the horse and started to ride away. “Let’s follow
him” said Lucy. As they did, they thought he might go to the stable
to put up his horse. They knew a special shortcut to the old stable.
They took the shortcut and found themselves at the old stable rather
As Lucy and Quin went in they saw the man waiting for them. “Why
were you watching us?” asked the girls. “I was watching you because
Sunny told me to.” he said. Quin and Lucy wondered who Sunny was
and as if he was reading their minds he pointed to the horse and said,
“Sunny is this horse” after a pause he continued “and I am Lenard
“You’re the man who killed Nora’s husband!” gasped Quin. As she
spoke the horse reared up and spoke, “I am the thing that killed
Nora.” The twins gasped as they realized that the horse had killed
their great-great-great-great aunt.
Quin was scared. She remembered her cell phone and dialed 9-1-1
but all she heard when she put it to her ear was static. So she told
Lucy, “Um, Sis the phones don’t work. So let’s improvise. You get the
horse and I’ll tackle Snart.” When Quin tackled Snart she pinned him
to the ground. He was trying to escape until he disappeared like a
ghost right from underneath her.
Quin looked to Lucy who was struggling with the reins of the horse.
Suddenly there was a deafening boom lasting for several seconds.
During the booming noise, Sunny the horse had disappeared. Eerily,
they could still hear neighing and the sound of galloping hoof prints
fading off in the distance. On the floor of the stable lay an old crum-
bling, soggy newspaper.
Goldie is a fifth grade student
at Mercer Elementary School.
She loves to read books and
write stories.