hiker, I was actually enjoying myself, too distracted to think about
getting home now.
When I had finally cleared the field, I ran the last few meters of bare
soil to the water. It seemed clear, and being thirsty, I took a mouthful
of water and swallowed. Suddenly there was a thunderous roar from
the sea. A nearly eight foot figure arose from the water. It was misty
out over the sea and the figure’s visage was unintelligible. The figure
bellowed in a deep, boisterous voice, “Nick! Why have you partaken
of the sanctified water?!” “Uh........” The figure seemed more threat-
ening every second. “Well, you see I was s-somehow transported here
and knew I need water to survive.” I tried to force the knot out of
my throat as the figure responded in a grave voice, “The chosen one.”
By then the figure had returned to its bellowing voice, “l am the
leader of the remaining few members of a species whose name is
unpronounceable to you, boy. Many years ago our planet suffered a
terrible drought, so, being water-dwellers, when our oceans dried up,
many died. In a last effort to renovate the oceans, the Elders built
a machine to bring the chosen one. The one who would restore the
oceans.” I quickly shot back, “What can I do?” The creatures voice
had slowed down, “Give me the seed.” I thought to myself, “What
seed? The acorn!” Earlier I had found a large acorn and saved it in
my pocket. I checked. It was there.
I pulled it out of my pocket and threw it toward the creature. I
watched it land in front of him. Curiously, the sea expanded and
simultaneously, I rose. Through the planet’s atmosphere, the tunnel
of stars, and finally, back to Earth. “It’s been quite an adventure.” I
thought, still falling. “What will I tell my parents?”
Bradford Hurt is a 5th Grad-
er at Mercer School in Princ-
eton, WV. He enjoys reading,
playing guitar, baseball and
hiking. His gifted teacher is
Mrs. Stogner.