MMS Instructions for Club Secretary Continued
Using This Secretary’s Handbook If you choose not to manage your club data on the MMS, you may use the forms in this handbook to maintain your club records. The club officers’ and the district officers’ names and addresses and committee members should be listed in the appropriate places on the page entitled “Ruritan Club Officers.” The attendance record should be kept accurately for each member of the club using the code as indicated at the bottom of the page. When a person makes up a meeting, an “M” to indicate a make-up, should be written on the line showing the absence made up. Twelve (one for each month) Board of Directors Meeting Minutes pages are provided so that you will have a permanent place in which to keep the minutes of these board meetings. These are located behind each monthly report form. Twelve (one for each month) Monthly Meeting Minutes pages are included for your convenience. This could be kept in long-hand at the meeting but must be written legibly so that it will be a proper historical record. Some secretaries choose to type this after keeping notes at the meeting. These are located behind each monthly report form. In keeping the minutes of the monthly club meeting or the board meeting, it is important to keep track of all the formal motions that are made and notes of discussion when it is important for future reference or for historical interest. A good set of minutes is a good record of history that will be very valuable to your club in the future. Twelve (one for each month) Ruritan Meeting Procedure pages follow the Monthly Meeting Minutes pages. The Meeting Procedure page is to be completed by the secretary before the meeting starts, so that the president may use this page as a guide (or agenda) during the meeting. A secretary who conscientiously completes the blanks on this sheet will help the president to see that the meeting is conducted well and completed on time. These are located behind each monthly report form. If you have been a club secretary in the past, you will be pleased to see a reduced number of forms in this book that need your attention. The Ruritan National Office will be producing monthly Audit forms and emailing them to you. Please review them carefully and use your yellow envelopes (provided in your club kit) to send back any changes in members or in a member’s status. Any money owed on that Audit report may be sent in the same yellow envelope. Your national dues
owed will be based on the number and types of members listed on those audit reports. On a quarterly basis, please complete and send in the Activities and Attendance reports in this book. You will also need to complete Ruritan of the Year; Youth Member of the Year; and Community Service Reports if your club wishes to participate in these awards programs. Also, please send in your new club officers after your elections in October. These forms ask for your “club number.” If you do not know your club number, it is listed on the monthly audit invoice report received from Ruritan National. These forms are also all available on the Ruritan website at http://ruritan.org under “resources.” Club Invoices The Ruritan MMS (Member Management System) now has an option for club officers to see what they owe in national dues and other fees to Ruritan National. According to Ruritan bylaws, club treasurers should pay quarterly dues (in advance) after their last meetings in January, April, July and October before the 10th of the next months, in other words: February, May, August and November. Therefore, on the 10th of February, May, August, and November the national staff can pull billing totals by club to show what is owed (what has not yet been paid.) In the MMS, anyone who is a club level officer or higher can access the option on a club home page “view invoices.” Once that option is chosen, a list of invoice dates will show up (again the 10th of February, May, August, and November). Clicking on the date brings up the invoice which shows balances carried forward, payments, and other adjustments. Dues payments are being regularly applied to these balances so the invoices will change and can be checked for updates. The invoice will also note (bottom right corner) which members participate in the Ruritan Forever program and therefore are not being charged for national dues. NOTE: Yellow Envelopes Each year, Ruritan National provides each club secretary with four yellow pre-addressed envelopes for returning Audit forms, paying national dues or other reports; only quarterly communication is necessary. Do not use these envelopes for other correspondence that is not intended for Ruritan National.
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