171221 Ruritan Annual Report
Approved May 18, 2018
MINUTES OF THE 87th ANNUAL CONVENTION RURITAN NATIONAL January 19, 2018 Friday Business Meeting
START TIME: 9:00 a.m. PRESIDING: 2017 National President Danny Privott
Convention Program Co-Chairs, 1998 National President, Gary Taylor, and 2007 National President Jimmy Bristow, welcomed the attendees to Charleston, SC and requested anyone who is not a delegate to remove themselves from the delegate seating area. Vickie Lerch led the attendees in the song “America” accompanied by Alton Free on piano. 2017 Holland District Lt. Governor, Phillip Bradshaw gave the invocation. Jimmy Bristow introduced National President, Danny Privott as he walked to the podium. Jimmy Bristow presented President Danny with a copy of the Program. He reported that a printed copy of the Program is in the hands of each registrant for the convention. The Agenda for the business meetings is on page 27. The printed Program also contains the Standing Rules of the Convention, which are located on pages (10-13). Delegates are reminded that when voting to adopt the printed program they will also be voting whether or not to adopt the standing rules. Before adoption of the program, there are a couple of omissions which should be corrected. On page 68, the office of National Director 2-Yr. Unexpired Term and the candidate, Robin D. Davenport (VA) was omitted. Also on that page, the states in which the candidates reside were omitted. The Nominating Committee Chair will announce the states as the candidates are introduced so delegates may note this information on page 68. Jimmy Bristow: Move for the adoption of the convention program, as corrected, by the direction of the committee. The Chair restated the motion and asked the delegates if there was any discussion. Hearing none, The Chair asked all those in favor to say “Aye.” All opposed say “NO.” The Chair declared the motion adopted.
Ruritan National 2018 Annual Report
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