Williams, Katherine Williams, Kimberly Williams, Lura Williams, Robbie & Lynn Wilson, Kathleen Wimmer, Steve Winston-Salem Foundation Womack, Cynthia & Joseph Woods, William Young, Carolyn Zallen, Richard & Doris Zeiger, Matthew Zion Oak Grove Pavilion In Honor/Memory of: Aiken, William Colwell, Christian Featherston, Sophia Gay, Allen Hart, Matt Myers, Rhoda Roberts, Matt & Courtney family West, Lindsay Zier Family
United Way of New River Valley United Way of Roanoke Valley United We Stand Ministries Unity Christian Church
Scott, Ray & Maxine Sedgwick, Donna Sharp, Nathan Shaut, Paul & Cathryn Shelor, Dwight & Patricia Sherry Memorial Christian Church Shumsky, Neil & Marcia Simpson, Barbara Simpson, Maritza Sisters Foundation Skripak, Valerie & Stephen Slusher, Lee Slusher, Roger & Leslie Smith, Linda Flora Smith, Linda M. Smusz, Terry & Ted Snyder & Associates General Contractor St. Jude Catholic Church St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church
Unity Christian Church, Disciples of Christ Virginia Community Action Partnership Virginia Department of Criminal Justice System Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development Virginia Department of Social Services Virginia Housing Development Authority Virginia Premier Virginia Tech Services--University Bookstore Virginia United Methodist Conference Vista Ministries VPT, Inc. Walker, Kathie Wall, John
Walsh, Robert Wanshel, Marc Wertman, Jay White, Kathy
St. Michael Lutheran Church Sterrett, Cynthia & William Stonewall Home & Garden Club Straub, Barbara Ann Streithof, Jacqueline Strickland, James & Charlene Suntrust Foundation TD Ameritrade Clearing Team Hospitality LLC Terry, Alan Thompson, Wayne & Carolyn Thomson, Sydney Thorn, Matthew & Caitlin Toney, Roberta Tota, Nagaveena Town of Blacksburg Town of Christiansburg Town of Floyd Town of Pulaski Trillium Garden Club Tuchler, Edwin & Elizabeth Tuck, Christophe & Susan Tuck, Mark & Nancy Turner, Matthew & April
Whittier, Edna Grace Wild Country Studios Williams Meat Processing
We ask forgiveness from anyone we might have inadvertently
left off our list. Please contact 633-5133, ext. 415 with any corrections. Please note the above list does not include donations to the Montgomery County Emergency Assistance Program or Pulaski County Emergency Needs Task Force, NRCA’s emergency assistance program partners. List does not include in-kind material or volunteer donations. Many local citizen groups & businesses contribute time, professional services & thousands of items to NRCA annually. Without their support, NRCA would not be able to assist the low-income residents of the New River Valley. All donations are tax-deductible. Thank you for your support!
Tyson, John & Linda Union Bank & Trust Unitarian Universalist Congregation United States Department of Agriculture United States Department of Health & Human Services United States Department of Labor United States Department of the Treasury/IRS United Steel Workers Local #1022
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