9:5 Contamina5on from Reagents
High purity water: Storage in HDPE and LDPE
• A significant amount of HDPE is manufactured using alumina / silica based catalysts. Long term storage in high density polyethylene (HDPE) can result in ppm levels of Ca, Mg, Si, Ti, Al and ppb levels of Cr, V and Fe. • LDPE can be manufactured using an organic catalyst. • Storage in HNO3 leached LDPE is opKmum. • Through study, we've discovered that short term (1-5 days) storage in both 20 liter HDPE and LDPE cubi containers that have been leached with dilute HNO3 do not leach any elements at ICP-MS / OES detecKon limits.
9:6 Contamina5on from Reagents
High purity water: Storage in fluoropolymers
• Fluoropolymers are not as clean as generally though. • Studies performed in our own laboratories confirm this. • It is our recommendation that you save your money and use LDPE
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