6.1 Container Transpira4on
Overview : v A problem that has gone rela0vely unno0ced when achieving reliable measurements is that of transpira0on. v Transpira0on is defined as the passage of vapor from within a container to the outside. This loss of vapor can occur through the container walls or between the cap and threads, resul0ng in an increase in concentra0on. v Transpira0on becomes a problem when samples are stored for a long period of 0me. It is a greater problem for standard solu0ons, since they typically remain in use or storage for periods of up to one year. v Inorganic Ventures has been studying the transpira0on loss of containers for several years. The data presented in this sec0on will be for LDPE. This is one of the best container materials because it's the cleanest of the plas0cs and it's inexpensive. It has been gaining considerable popularity for use in the handling of both samples and aqueous standards
6:3 Container Transpiration
Bo#le surface area compared to transpira3on rate
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