5:6 Container Material Properties
• Graphite is very inexpensive and rela1vely clean, but very messy to work with. • It is an inexpensive way to perform Li2CO3 fusions where the crucible slowly oxidizes away over the course of 7-10 fusions. • It is popular because it does not wet by some melts which can be poured out quan1ta1vely. • Losses due to the porosity of graphite should exclude its use for ashing samples containing trace metals. • Graphite's main advantage to the trace analyst is being a material that can withstand fusions that might destroy pla1num. • Our chemists use graphite for performing Li2CO3 fusions in the prepara1on of large numbers of limestone samples for major minor and trace elemental analysis.
5:7 Container Material Proper1es
IV’s objec+ve – Determine or obtain the following concerning liquid containers (collec+on, prepara+on, storage):
• Availability and price • Chemical resistance • Physical proper+es (including transpira+on) • Iden+ty (+) contaminants • Determine (+) contaminants level • Effec+vely remove (+) contaminants • Iden+fy (-) contamina+on (adsorp+on)
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