4:1 Sample Preparation
Preliminary Issues
The following informa/on about the sample and the analytes may not have been available during the ini/al project planning phase:
The sample - the quan/ty, chemical and physical composi/on and proper/es, handling, safety, stability issues , any special storage preserva/on or handling condi/ons
If li?le or nothing is known about the sample, then it should be submi?ed for key qualita/ve tests such as an EDXRF scan, % ash, and an IR scan.
4:2 Sample Preparation
Preliminary Issues (cont.)
The analytes - the iden)ty, chemical form(s) and approximate concentra)on level(s) of the analytes.
O;en )mes, only the iden)ty of the analytes is known in which case a hypothesis of poten)al or likely forms should be postulated.
Are the concentra)on levels in the wt. %, μg/g, or ng/g level?
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