
1:4 Laying the Founda2on

D. Sample Measurement - (CONT.)

• Overcoming interferences using ICP-OES that include matrix differences between standards and samples; spectral interferences (i.e. - direct spectral overlap, wing overlap, interference with background point); chemical enhancement of atom lines by high matrix element compositions (axial view); and drift due to nebulizer plugging, changes in sample argon, power supply instability, or room temperature changes. • Overcoming interferences using ICP-MS that include matrix differences between standards and samples; mass-discrimination effects; isobaric interferences; detector dead-time; and drift due to nebulizer plugging, changes in sample argon, power supply instability, or room temperature changes.

• Calculating and Reporting the Data - Working with error budgets and calculating the uncertainty is the trickiest part of this stage.

1:5 Laying the Foundation

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