17.30 Method Validation
Confirm Basic Performance Criteria : Collabora4ve and Coopera4ve Tes4ng ❏ This is an ac)vity or component of method valida)on that is performed by organiza)ons that develop standard methods of chemical analysis such as ASTM and AOAC. It is also an ac)vity that is performed by large corpora)ons with mul)ple tes)ng loca)ons. The term reproducibility is used to describe interlaboratory precision and is expressed as standard devia)on. Different organiza)ons use different processes, some more convenient than others. For this reason, refer to the following references: • Valida)on of Analy)cal Methods; Taylor, J.K., Ed.; Analy)cal Chemistry (55): 600A- 608A; 1983. • The Role of Collabora)ve and Coopera)ve Studies in Evalua)on of Analy)cal Methods; Taylor, J.K., Ed.; J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. (69): p. 398; 1986. • Youden, W.J.; Steiner, E. H. Steiner Sta)s)cal Manual of the AOAC; AOAC: Arlington, VA, 1975; 5th prin)ng 1987. • ASTM Method E691-92; Standard Prac)ce for Conduc)ng an Interlaboratory Study to Determine the Precision of a Test Method; ASTM: Philadelphia, PA.
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