15.7 ICP-OES Measurement
Concerns with measurement: Spectral interferences
• A trace metals analysis of the 1000 μg/mL solu8ons helps dis8nguish between a true direct spectral overlap and the presence of the analyte in the interfering element solu8on as an impurity. • The absence of impurity data requires confirma8on of the suspected direct spectral overlap using an alternate analyte line or another technique such as flame atomic absorp8on. • Standards with accurate trace metals impurity data are commercially available.
15.8 ICP-OES Measurement
Concerns with measurement: Spectral interferences Spectrum of a high Ca containing matrix (red line) causing a sloping background for the Cu 219.959 or Ge 219.871 lines. Background correcCon is difficult at best in these situaCons.
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