
14.6 Ashing

Ashing Techniques: Advantages

§ The ability to decompose large sample sizes. § The need for li9le or no reagents. § The technique is rela

§ The ability to prepare samples containing vola

14.7 Ashing

Ashing Techniques: Disadvantages -The trace analyst should be very familiar with their sample type before performing an ash. Some of the problems that have been encountered are listed as follows:

• Losses due to reten>on to the ashing container. • Losses due to vola>liza>on.

• Contamina>on from the ashing container. • Contamina>on from the muffle furnace. • Physical loss of 'low density' ashes when the muffle door is opened (air currents). • Difficulty in dissolving certain metal oxides. • Forma>on of toxic gases in poorly ven>lated areas. (Note that all charring should take place in a hood and the muffle furnace must have a hood canopy for proper ven>la>on).

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