WEST VIRGINIA ROCK CLIMBING – $30 (Ages 11+) Bozoo, WV has some of the nicest climbing in our area overlooking the beautiful New River. This introductory class will teach you about safety, care of equipment, use of equipment and techniques of climbing. Pack your lunch and spend the day experiencing the outdoors! This course includes instruction, equipment (including 5.10 climbing shoes) and transportation. Although this is an intro course, it can be modified to fit your needs and skill level. Registration deadline is Sep. 16
Location Course Bozoo, WV 6273
Sun., Sept. 23 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
‘LEARN TO SKI OR SNOWBOARD’ PROGRAM – $148 Skiing or $208 Snowboarding
Here is your chance to learn to ski or snowboard for an incredible price! Montgomery County Parks and Recreation has teamed up with Winterplace Ski Resort to offer some great skiing and boarding opportunities this winter. You get five Sundays of skiing or boarding with 90 minutes of instruction each time you visit, along with all equipment (including shaped skis and top of the line snowboards). This is a full mountain pass. If you would like to ski in March and have used all your dates with this package, you can get equipment, lift ticket and skis for only $20.40 by presenting your card. These sessions fill up quickly! Please call us at 540-382- 6975 for more information. No skiing on holiday weekends. Registration deadline is Jan. 11 Prices include equipment rental, 90 minute instruction and lift ticket for all 5 weeks
Sun., Jan. 20 3:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Winterplace Ski Resort
The Montgomery County Model Airplane Club (McMAC) is located in themountains of southwestern Virginia, serving Blacksburg, Christiansburg, Virginia Tech, and surrounding vicinities. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran modeler, an inspiring new prospective hobbyist, or simply curious as to what it’s all about, you can find information on the McMAC website: www.mcmac.org. McMACoperatesanairfieldprovidedbyMontgomery County Parks and Recreation at Eastern Montgomery Park. Check McMAC out online today and fly high!
540.382.6975 | 11
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