One Model, Many Interests, Many Views
The arrows on a sequence diagram represent messages sent and received between interactions. These can be synchronizing messages (triggers) or simple data exchanges (inputs). Often, basic inputs (data stores) are not shown on the sequence diagram in order to focus on interactions which synchronize activities across blocks. An arrow exiting the node is an output that is input to or triggers another function. Arrows entering from the left edge of the diagram are external messages that originate outside of this decomposition. Arrows that exit the right edge of the diagram are outputs that are consumed elsewhere in the system model. Given its long history of use and rather simple semantics, the sequence diagram is an effective representation when used with any audience to convey message passing and interactions between systems or blocks. The sequence diagram is particularly useful in developing logical threads to elaborate use cases. (As logic becomes more complex, complete sequence diagrams often become overloaded.) The sequence diagram is frequently a diagram of choice in communicating behavioral dimensions with software engineers, but it must be used with care. The diagram is an incomplete specification of the logical architecture and should always be used in conjunction with a more complete representation (classically an activity diagram) when used as a specification for implementation. Activity Diagram The activity diagram (and the Enhanced Functional Flow Block Diagram, or EFFBD, its cousin in traditional representations) are the most complete representations of behavior. The activity diagram unambiguously represents the flow of control through sequencing of activities and control constructs as well as the data interactions overlaid to present a more complete picture.
Level of Detail: Highest Audience: System and software engineers Content: Composition, triggering, and allocation Use: Full specification of system behavior; best at lower levels of decomposition (design view)
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