169295_BluCol_AcadCatalog_REV PROOF 1-15-19
ACS 1011 Academic Success Seminar This course will emphasize skills needed to be successful in college. Students will be expected to examine and evaluate their academic skills. They will also set goals for future academic success. This course is required for all students who enroll on a probational acceptance or those students whose academic standing drops below good standing to probation for the first time. Any student may also elect to take this course; this course does not satisfy any Bluefield College graduation requirement but its credit hours may be used for determining athletic and financial aid eligibility. (Every Semester) ART & DESIGN (ART) For the bachelor’s degree in Art, a student must complete the general requirements, major requirements, and electives. For information on teacher licensure in Art Pre K-12, see the Teacher Education Handbook . For information on the Graphic Communication Major see page 165. For information on the Art Business Major see page 86. No minor is required in this area although students may elect to pursue a minor if they so desire. I. Art Major A. General Education & Degree Requirements (see p. 48) 52 SH B. Major Requirements Core Courses 21 SH ART 1013, ART 1033, ART 1413, ART 1723, ART 2413, ART 4413, ART 4183 Art Elective Courses 21 SH ART 2013, ART 2043, ART 2053, ART 2063, ART 2073, ART 3033, ART 3043, ART 3053, ART 3063, ART 3073, ART 3311-3, ART 3501-3, ART 4053, ART 4063, ART 4501-3 (Choose seven courses from the above list, four of which must be at 3000-4000 level) C. Exhibition Requirements 0 SH ART 4600 Senior Art Show (solo or group) D. Electives 32 SH TOTAL 126 SH II. Art Pre K-12 , for licensure see the Teacher Education Handbook . III. Art Business Major (see p. 84) IV. Graphic Communication Major (see p. 180) V. Art Minor An art minor may be earned by completing a minimum of 18 hours of art courses. The selection of these courses must include the following foundation courses. ART 1013, 1413, & 12 SH in ART Electives 18 SH
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